I have been trying to find firmware 1.38 or higher for the T10000 tape drive as I think that is the root of all my problems, well that has been near impossible!
We bought the drives from someone who acquired them from a company going out of business (so no support from SUN) and so far they have been working alright and the only issue is we have about 1440 tapes that will not initialize or reformat. Upon reading a few other PDFs I found what I believe to be evidence that in order for a T10000A drive to load a T10000B tape the firmware needs to be 1.38 (ours are currently 1.34 and 1.31 I believe).
The box of these tapes all have a part number (m-T10K-B-Vib-ASC-V) which states they were initialized on a B drive.
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this firmware that i can load onto our drives?
I did find this in the PDF manual for the drive, I guess you need to have an options set to allow the drive to make a firmware tape, does anyone know if this is something that is commonly set to allow this? I am hoping I can find someone with a drive that has this firmware and we can make a data code and throw some cash their way for the help...
Make Code Tape Submenu
Note: Only drives with all images loaded into the EEPROM can make code tapes.
MakeCodeTp Make Code Tape, copies the firmware
image from the drive EEPROM to a
data cartridge. This “code tape” can
then be used to update firmware in
other drives using the Code Update
A normal data cartridge, if present,
ejects when this function is activated.
If Make Code Tape fails and CHK xxxx
appears, try a different cartridge. If the
problem persists, consult your Sun
service representative.
Note: Make sure drive is properly prepared to
create code tapes. If required, exit Drive
Operations Menu and update drive to full code
of desired firmware release level.
1. Do one of the following:
? Press Menu to bypass
? Press Select to activate.
2. When Ld Code Tp appears, insert a writeenabled
data cartridge.
3. When the new code tape unloads, remove the
data cartridge, and set the write-protect
switch to lock.
4. Insert another write-enabled data cartridge, or
press Menu to exit the create code tape
submenu. .
We bought the drives from someone who acquired them from a company going out of business (so no support from SUN) and so far they have been working alright and the only issue is we have about 1440 tapes that will not initialize or reformat. Upon reading a few other PDFs I found what I believe to be evidence that in order for a T10000A drive to load a T10000B tape the firmware needs to be 1.38 (ours are currently 1.34 and 1.31 I believe).
The box of these tapes all have a part number (m-T10K-B-Vib-ASC-V) which states they were initialized on a B drive.
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this firmware that i can load onto our drives?
I did find this in the PDF manual for the drive, I guess you need to have an options set to allow the drive to make a firmware tape, does anyone know if this is something that is commonly set to allow this? I am hoping I can find someone with a drive that has this firmware and we can make a data code and throw some cash their way for the help...
Make Code Tape Submenu
Note: Only drives with all images loaded into the EEPROM can make code tapes.
MakeCodeTp Make Code Tape, copies the firmware
image from the drive EEPROM to a
data cartridge. This “code tape” can
then be used to update firmware in
other drives using the Code Update
A normal data cartridge, if present,
ejects when this function is activated.
If Make Code Tape fails and CHK xxxx
appears, try a different cartridge. If the
problem persists, consult your Sun
service representative.
Note: Make sure drive is properly prepared to
create code tapes. If required, exit Drive
Operations Menu and update drive to full code
of desired firmware release level.
1. Do one of the following:
? Press Menu to bypass
? Press Select to activate.
2. When Ld Code Tp appears, insert a writeenabled
data cartridge.
3. When the new code tape unloads, remove the
data cartridge, and set the write-protect
switch to lock.
4. Insert another write-enabled data cartridge, or
press Menu to exit the create code tape
submenu. .