I am generating asx content on the fly from an aspx page that is served by IIS, and the video must display in FireFox without controls.
Using FireFox/WMP Plug-in
FireFox/WMP ignores the EMBED tag attributes and plays the videos - but how can I hide the controls?
For example, the attributes of the embed tag have an effect in MSIE and Safari but the following example results in FireFox/WMP displaying the controls.
Using FireFox/VLC Plug-in
VLC hides the controls, but does not display the video! FireFox's VLC aboutlugins reports..
If I rename the .aspx to either .asx or .asf in Visual Studio, the file does not work in any plug-in. The asx content is as..
VLC is troublesome.
Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam perscribam
I am generating asx content on the fly from an aspx page that is served by IIS, and the video must display in FireFox without controls.
Using FireFox/WMP Plug-in
FireFox/WMP ignores the EMBED tag attributes and plays the videos - but how can I hide the controls?
For example, the attributes of the embed tag have an effect in MSIE and Safari but the following example results in FireFox/WMP displaying the controls.
Using FireFox/VLC Plug-in
VLC hides the controls, but does not display the video! FireFox's VLC aboutlugins reports..
I have tried specifying several MIME types in the aspx, and its currently..video/x-ms-asf | Windows Media video | asf,asx | Enabled
Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-asf";
If I rename the .aspx to either .asx or .asf in Visual Studio, the file does not work in any plug-in. The asx content is as..
<asx version="3.0">
<starttime value="01"/>
<ref href="[URL unfurl="true"]http://localhost/000.wmv"/>[/URL]
VLC is troublesome.
Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam perscribam