Hello, I need to be able to pass two varibles to a stored procedure that is used for a crystal report which should also run when a button is pressed. I believe that I have the stored procedure configured correctly to take the two varibles and have bound the crystal report to this procedure.
I'm new to programming and am working from an example that a previous programmer wrote. Does somebody know of a tutorial or example of how to pass varibles to a stored procedure then display a crystal report based on the variables? Any help would be great!
I have attached the code I'm working with below if someone could help explain why it is choking at the with invoice_detail.server=sqlsvr. I suppose that the connection to the sql server is failing? Is the code even workable?
Like I said, I'm a newb and could really use the help.
Private Sub InvPrint_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean)
Dim userinfo As New RetrieveGlobals.retrieveuserinfo
Dim sqluid As String
Dim sqlpwd As String
Dim SQLdb As String
Dim sqlsvr As String
sqluid = userinfo.retrieve_user()
sqlpwd = userinfo.sql_password()
SQLdb = userinfo.intercompany_id()
sqlsvr = userinfo.sql_datasourcename()
With Invoice_Detail
.server = sqlsvr
.DataBase = test
.User = sa
.password = test
.InvBeg = InvBeg.Value
.InvEnd = InvEnd.Value
End With
Dim adCNN As ADODB.Connection
Dim adrst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strcmd As String
Dim strCnn As String
Dim SQLCmd As String
Dim SQLstr As String
SQLCmd = "EXEC cssp_Maintenance_Invoice " & _
"'" & InvBeg.Value & "'" & "'" & InvEnd.Value & "'"
SQLstr = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & sqlsvr & ";Database=" & SQLdb & ";" & "PWD=" & sqlpwd & ";UID=" & sqluid
Set adCNN = New ADODB.Connection
adCNN.ConnectionString = SQLstr
Set adrst = New ADODB.Recordset
adrst.Open SQLCmd, adCNN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
ZoomButtons.Value = 1
Set s = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
s.Visible = True
s.Navigate " '?prompt0=" & JobStatus.Job & "&prompt1=" & CStr(Now)
End Sub
I'm new to programming and am working from an example that a previous programmer wrote. Does somebody know of a tutorial or example of how to pass varibles to a stored procedure then display a crystal report based on the variables? Any help would be great!
I have attached the code I'm working with below if someone could help explain why it is choking at the with invoice_detail.server=sqlsvr. I suppose that the connection to the sql server is failing? Is the code even workable?
Like I said, I'm a newb and could really use the help.
Private Sub InvPrint_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean)
Dim userinfo As New RetrieveGlobals.retrieveuserinfo
Dim sqluid As String
Dim sqlpwd As String
Dim SQLdb As String
Dim sqlsvr As String
sqluid = userinfo.retrieve_user()
sqlpwd = userinfo.sql_password()
SQLdb = userinfo.intercompany_id()
sqlsvr = userinfo.sql_datasourcename()
With Invoice_Detail
.server = sqlsvr
.DataBase = test
.User = sa
.password = test
.InvBeg = InvBeg.Value
.InvEnd = InvEnd.Value
End With
Dim adCNN As ADODB.Connection
Dim adrst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strcmd As String
Dim strCnn As String
Dim SQLCmd As String
Dim SQLstr As String
SQLCmd = "EXEC cssp_Maintenance_Invoice " & _
"'" & InvBeg.Value & "'" & "'" & InvEnd.Value & "'"
SQLstr = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & sqlsvr & ";Database=" & SQLdb & ";" & "PWD=" & sqlpwd & ";UID=" & sqluid
Set adCNN = New ADODB.Connection
adCNN.ConnectionString = SQLstr
Set adrst = New ADODB.Recordset
adrst.Open SQLCmd, adCNN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
ZoomButtons.Value = 1
Set s = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
s.Visible = True
s.Navigate " '?prompt0=" & JobStatus.Job & "&prompt1=" & CStr(Now)
End Sub