As has been noted in other posts, the FindNext does not work when used in a UDF (User Defined Function). This can be quite irritating / frustrating because the exact same code will work in a Sub.
However, for those wishing to have the FindNext feature available in a UDF, here is an alternative method (note: i did not think of this myself but found it on another forum; in fact it was this one: ).
Simply, this method is to use repeatedly the Find function with and employing the 'After' parameter.
again, credit goes to this guy:
However, for those wishing to have the FindNext feature available in a UDF, here is an alternative method (note: i did not think of this myself but found it on another forum; in fact it was this one: ).
Simply, this method is to use repeatedly the Find function with and employing the 'After' parameter.
Public Function FindRow(Crit As String, FindRng As Range, OldResults As Range) As Integer
Dim ans As Integer
Dim ans_add
Dim check
Dim c
With FindRng
ans_add = .Find(Crit, , lookat:=xlWhole).Address
ans = .Find(Crit, , lookat:=xlWhole).row
End With
For Each c In OldResults
If c.Value = ans Then
With FindRng
'On Error GoTo ff
ans = .Find(what:=Crit, after:=Cells(ans + 1, 1)).row
'On Error GoTo 0
End With
End If
On Error Goto 0
FindRow = ans
End Function