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Finding which tape is dead

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Feb 2, 2004
We have 2 sets of 7 tapes. One set is fine, and works without a hitch. However, the other set is causing the Tape Engine to not start.

Obviously there is a problem with one of the tapes. When I first imported all the tapes on the Dell 172T (LTO Loader) - It did nothing (said device was busy) - so I stopped/started the tape loader, and it read the formatted names on the disk. However, Tape 6 just merely said "Updating..." and never displayed it's name properly before the top engine stopped (by itself)

So anyway, I grabbed a spare tape, exported Tape 6 and put this other tape in. Same thing happens, except this time, the tape engine doens't even bring itself up to the point where I get the see the devices start initializing. It goes green for half a second, then red...

I'm looking at TAPE.LOG and have no idea what I'm looking for...

Anyone able to help? Cheers
OK, I've removed all tapes from the Dell 172T Tape Loader, except tape 8 which is my cleaning tape. (consistent at tape 8 for both sets).

Stopped and Started it, now the green button is staying up, but it's still displaying "Tape Engine is initializing..."


Check your scsi connections/cabling/termination, power-cycle the tape loader, and re-run your device configuration for the tape loader and make sure things configure correctly. If things still don't work, post the recent output from tape.log and we'll have a look-see...

- Eric
There isnt anything wrong with the device configuration, or scsi sconnections or terminators, as 'set2' works fine. Only set1 seems to kill things.

Can I just check. Because I have two sets of 7 tapes, all labelled properly (set 1, tape 1, always goes into slot 1 on the auto loader).

Say at the end of the week, set 2 is full. Do I just need to run in, export the tapes on the auto loader, then import the tapes on the tape loader. Should BrightStor then automatically pick up the new tapes?

Thats what I'm currently doing...Am I doing it wrong?
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