how can i find the names of tables within a certain chunk? Simply, i want to find which tables or table fragments a chunk contain?is there a sql statement for it?
Chunks are physical collection of data steams made up of raw or cooked file system. They are subset to dbspaces. A particular dbspace might contain several chunks attached to it. However the database server identifies the objects stored in this area in terms of dbspace name than Chunk addresses.
The following SQL statement lists the table name and the dbspace name in which it has been created.
database sysmaster;
set isolation to dirty read;
select tabname, name, trunc(partnum/1048576) fchunk, nchunks
from systabnames, sysdbspaces
where sysdbspaces.dbsnum = trunc(partnum/1048576) and
tabname not matches 'TBL*' and
tabname not matches '_temp*' and
tabname not matches 'HASH*';
Dbspace and Chunks list can be obtained by:
onstat -d
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