I have a spreadsheet consisting of the columns:
Date,Name of Player,Training Type
The spreadsheet has been sorted by date but there is not one row per date. There could be no rows of data for one particular date, or there could be 20 rows of data for the same date. There is only one date in each cell.
The cells in the second column marked 'Name of Player' contains different combinations of players names. These names are seperated by commas. One cell may have only one players name within, yet another cell may have three players names within it separated by commas. The same players names can appear in any number of cells in this column.
The cells in the third column labelled 'Training Type' contains different training activities that are separated by commas. One cell for instance may contain the following:
awareness, dribbling, heading
while another may contain:
dribbling, heading, tackling, shooting
For each range of dates (covering one month intervals), I need to count the number of times each player has received each type of training. To hopefully give me: -
Player Name Awareness Dribbling Heading Shooting
John Doe 2 1 3 2
Joe Bloggs 1 4 0 1
Jack Frost 3 0 2 4
I have been struggling with this for ages with ISNUMBER and SUMIF but can only come up with solutions that involve intermediate steps manually using using text to columns etc but I am sure there must be a better way to do this.
Please is anyone able to help..?
Date,Name of Player,Training Type
The spreadsheet has been sorted by date but there is not one row per date. There could be no rows of data for one particular date, or there could be 20 rows of data for the same date. There is only one date in each cell.
The cells in the second column marked 'Name of Player' contains different combinations of players names. These names are seperated by commas. One cell may have only one players name within, yet another cell may have three players names within it separated by commas. The same players names can appear in any number of cells in this column.
The cells in the third column labelled 'Training Type' contains different training activities that are separated by commas. One cell for instance may contain the following:
awareness, dribbling, heading
while another may contain:
dribbling, heading, tackling, shooting
For each range of dates (covering one month intervals), I need to count the number of times each player has received each type of training. To hopefully give me: -
Player Name Awareness Dribbling Heading Shooting
John Doe 2 1 3 2
Joe Bloggs 1 4 0 1
Jack Frost 3 0 2 4
I have been struggling with this for ages with ISNUMBER and SUMIF but can only come up with solutions that involve intermediate steps manually using using text to columns etc but I am sure there must be a better way to do this.
Please is anyone able to help..?