Technical User
- Feb 4, 2002
- 193
I have a ProComm Script for a phonemail system that performs the Following:
1. Reads extensions from a file.
2. Purges the phonemail boxes.
3. Modifies the PhoneMail box Password.
However, I need to put in some ERROR checking for the following:
1. If the Purge FAILS - PhoneMail writes “Purge Failed” to the screen and provides the Subscriber Name Prompt again).
2. If the PhoneMail box CANNOT BE FOUND - - PhoneMail writes “Cannot find this form.” to the screen and moves to the “Function:” prompt.
3. if the Purge is SUCESSFUL - PhoneMail writes “Mailbox purged” to the screen and provides the Subscriber Name Prompt again).
At the end of the Script I need to track the Following items:
1. TOTAL Number of Mailboxes.
2. Number of Mailboxes Purged.
3. Number of Mailboxes NOT Purged.
4. Number of Mailboxes that had the Passwords changed.
5. Number of Mailboxes that do NOT have new Passwords.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Sample Screen Print:
if Extenison is Found and Purged
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:53 AM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6704
Mailbox purged
Subscriber Name or Extension: ;
Sample Screen Print:
if Extension is Found and NOT Purged
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:12 PM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6709
Purge failed
Subscriber Name or Extension:
Sample Screen Print:
if Extension is NOT Found and
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:12 PM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6715
Cannot find this form.
Current Script File:
#define WorkDir "C:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\"
#define SaveDir "C:\Temp Completed Reports\"
#define OldFname "BCRS_STF.txt"
#define szSiteName "Sterling Forest"
#define sEnter "^M"
#define sPurgeDone " PURGE DONE "
#define sPurgeProblem " NOT-PURGED "
#define sPswdDone " NEW PASSWORD"
#define sPswdProblem " PSWD NOT CHANGED"
#define szSpace " "
#define fEnd ".txt"
#define sComputerSetUp "\\rmss0020\FTPStuff\RH_Pro.exe"
integer iLen, ivar, cPurCount, cPswdCount, iPurCount, iPswdCount
string fName = "Completed "
string SzPmOptions, szAcptMsgs, szAnswrPhone, szMsgAlert
string szNewPswd, szPassword, sTok1, sLine
string SourceF = "c:\Program Files\Symantec\ProComm Plus\Upload\BCRS_STF.txt" ; File to copy.
string DestF = "c:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\BCRS_STF.txt" ; Destination
string SourceG = "C:\Temp Completed Reports\Completed Sterling Forest.txt" ; Destination
Proc main
; check for connection...
sdlginput "New Password" "Enter the New DEFAULT Password:" szNewPswd
sdlginput "Accept Messages" "Should the Box Accept Messages (T/F)??:" szAcptMsgs
sdlginput "Answer Phone" "Should the Box Answer the Phone (T/F)??:" szAnswrPhone
sdlginput "Message Alert" "Should the Box Provide a Message Alert (T/F)??:" szMsgAlert
strcat SzPmOptions szAcptMsgs
strcat SzPmOptions szSpace
strcat SzPmOptions szAnswrPhone
strcat SzPmOptions szSpace
strcat SzPmOptions szMsgAlert
strcat SzPmOptions sEnter
strcpy szPassword szNewPswd
strcat szNewPswd sEnter
strcat fName szSiteName
strcat fName fEnd
when Target 0 "Extension : " call Press_Enter
when Target 1 "Name (last first) : " call Press_Enter
when Target 2 "Class Number : " call Press_Enter
when Target 3 "Group Name : " call Press_Enter
when Target 4 "Referral Extension : " call Press_Enter
when Target 5 "Volume Level : " call Press_Enter
when Target 6 "Speed level : " call Press_Enter
when Target 7 "Abbreviated Prompts?: " call Press_Enter
when Target 8 "Alt Greeting Active?: (Previous =" call Press_Enter
when Target 9 "Software Mailbox ? : (Previous =" call Press_Enter
when Target 10 "Extension [" call Press_Enter
if not copyfile SourceF DestF ; Backup script files.
errormsg "Couldn't copy file `"%s`"!" SourceF
if not delfile SourceF ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" SourceF
if not delfile SourceG ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" SourceG
chdir WorkDir
isfile OldFname ivar ; Verifies that File does Exist.
; Opens Text File
fopen 1 OldFname READWRITE TEXT
; Creates a New Text File With the Name: Completed + the SiteName User Provides
chdir SaveDir
fopen 2 fName CREATE TEXT
pause 2
; Logs you into the PhoneMail System and gets you to the Function Prompt.
transmit "^M"
Execute "Log-SA.wax"
cPurCount = 0
iPurCount = 0
cPswdCount = 0
iPswdCount = 0
while not feof 1
fgets 1 sLine
strlen sLine iLen
; Assigns Text in First Field (From Text File) to Variable sTok1.
strtok sTok1 sLine " " 1
waitfor "Function: " FOREVER
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "PURGE^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor Subscriber Name
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
fwrite 2 sTok1 6
finsblock 2 14
fwrite 2 sPurgeDone 14
cPurCount ++
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function:" 2
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "MODIFY^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor "Cannot find " 1
waitfor "PhoneMail Password"
transmit szNewPswd
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdDone
waitfor " Enter T or F for each field): "
transmit SzPmOptions
cPswdCount ++
waitfor "Failed Acc Attempt : (Previous ="
transmit "0;^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdProblem
iPswdCount ++
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
fwrite 2 sTok1 6
finsblock 2 14
fwrite 2 sPurgeProblem 14
iPurCount ++
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function:" 2
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "MODIFY^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor "Cannot find " 1
waitfor "PhoneMail Password"
transmit szNewPswd
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdDone
waitfor " Enter T or F for each field): "
transmit SzPmOptions
cPswdCount ++
waitfor "Failed Acc Attempt : (Previous ="
transmit "0;^M"
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdProblem
iPswdCount ++
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
fclose 1
fclose 2
usermsg "Missing BCRS_STF.txt FILE"
usermsg "Lost Connection Please Try Again"
pause 1
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function: " forever
transmit "LOG^M"
waitfor "Action: " forever
transmit "LOG^M"
capture OFF
chdir WorkDir
if not delfile OldFname ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" OldFname
usermsg "`"%s`" deleted." OldFname
usermsg "New PhoneMail Box Password: `"%s`"!" szPassword
usermsg "Boxes Accept Messages: `"%s`"!" szAcptMsgs
usermsg "Boxes Message Alert: `"%s`"!" szMsgAlert
usermsg "Boxes Answer Phone: `"%s`"!" szAnswrPhone
; usermsg "Purged MailBoxes: `"%s`"!" OldFname
usermsg "Boxes Purged: '%d'" cPurCount
usermsg "Boxes NOT Purged: '%d'" iPurCount
usermsg "Passwords Changed: '%d'" cPswdCount
usermsg "Passwords NOT Changed: '%d'" iPswdCount
proc Exit_MailBox
pause 1
transmit ";^M"
proc Press_Enter
pause 1
transmit "^M"
I have a ProComm Script for a phonemail system that performs the Following:
1. Reads extensions from a file.
2. Purges the phonemail boxes.
3. Modifies the PhoneMail box Password.
However, I need to put in some ERROR checking for the following:
1. If the Purge FAILS - PhoneMail writes “Purge Failed” to the screen and provides the Subscriber Name Prompt again).
2. If the PhoneMail box CANNOT BE FOUND - - PhoneMail writes “Cannot find this form.” to the screen and moves to the “Function:” prompt.
3. if the Purge is SUCESSFUL - PhoneMail writes “Mailbox purged” to the screen and provides the Subscriber Name Prompt again).
At the end of the Script I need to track the Following items:
1. TOTAL Number of Mailboxes.
2. Number of Mailboxes Purged.
3. Number of Mailboxes NOT Purged.
4. Number of Mailboxes that had the Passwords changed.
5. Number of Mailboxes that do NOT have new Passwords.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Sample Screen Print:
if Extenison is Found and Purged
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:53 AM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6704
Mailbox purged
Subscriber Name or Extension: ;
Sample Screen Print:
if Extension is Found and NOT Purged
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:12 PM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6709
Purge failed
Subscriber Name or Extension:
Sample Screen Print:
if Extension is NOT Found and
Function: PROFILE
Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:12 PM
Action: PURGE
Subscriber Name or Extension: 6715
Cannot find this form.
Current Script File:
#define WorkDir "C:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\"
#define SaveDir "C:\Temp Completed Reports\"
#define OldFname "BCRS_STF.txt"
#define szSiteName "Sterling Forest"
#define sEnter "^M"
#define sPurgeDone " PURGE DONE "
#define sPurgeProblem " NOT-PURGED "
#define sPswdDone " NEW PASSWORD"
#define sPswdProblem " PSWD NOT CHANGED"
#define szSpace " "
#define fEnd ".txt"
#define sComputerSetUp "\\rmss0020\FTPStuff\RH_Pro.exe"
integer iLen, ivar, cPurCount, cPswdCount, iPurCount, iPswdCount
string fName = "Completed "
string SzPmOptions, szAcptMsgs, szAnswrPhone, szMsgAlert
string szNewPswd, szPassword, sTok1, sLine
string SourceF = "c:\Program Files\Symantec\ProComm Plus\Upload\BCRS_STF.txt" ; File to copy.
string DestF = "c:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\BCRS_STF.txt" ; Destination
string SourceG = "C:\Temp Completed Reports\Completed Sterling Forest.txt" ; Destination
Proc main
; check for connection...
sdlginput "New Password" "Enter the New DEFAULT Password:" szNewPswd
sdlginput "Accept Messages" "Should the Box Accept Messages (T/F)??:" szAcptMsgs
sdlginput "Answer Phone" "Should the Box Answer the Phone (T/F)??:" szAnswrPhone
sdlginput "Message Alert" "Should the Box Provide a Message Alert (T/F)??:" szMsgAlert
strcat SzPmOptions szAcptMsgs
strcat SzPmOptions szSpace
strcat SzPmOptions szAnswrPhone
strcat SzPmOptions szSpace
strcat SzPmOptions szMsgAlert
strcat SzPmOptions sEnter
strcpy szPassword szNewPswd
strcat szNewPswd sEnter
strcat fName szSiteName
strcat fName fEnd
when Target 0 "Extension : " call Press_Enter
when Target 1 "Name (last first) : " call Press_Enter
when Target 2 "Class Number : " call Press_Enter
when Target 3 "Group Name : " call Press_Enter
when Target 4 "Referral Extension : " call Press_Enter
when Target 5 "Volume Level : " call Press_Enter
when Target 6 "Speed level : " call Press_Enter
when Target 7 "Abbreviated Prompts?: " call Press_Enter
when Target 8 "Alt Greeting Active?: (Previous =" call Press_Enter
when Target 9 "Software Mailbox ? : (Previous =" call Press_Enter
when Target 10 "Extension [" call Press_Enter
if not copyfile SourceF DestF ; Backup script files.
errormsg "Couldn't copy file `"%s`"!" SourceF
if not delfile SourceF ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" SourceF
if not delfile SourceG ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" SourceG
chdir WorkDir
isfile OldFname ivar ; Verifies that File does Exist.
; Opens Text File
fopen 1 OldFname READWRITE TEXT
; Creates a New Text File With the Name: Completed + the SiteName User Provides
chdir SaveDir
fopen 2 fName CREATE TEXT
pause 2
; Logs you into the PhoneMail System and gets you to the Function Prompt.
transmit "^M"
Execute "Log-SA.wax"
cPurCount = 0
iPurCount = 0
cPswdCount = 0
iPswdCount = 0
while not feof 1
fgets 1 sLine
strlen sLine iLen
; Assigns Text in First Field (From Text File) to Variable sTok1.
strtok sTok1 sLine " " 1
waitfor "Function: " FOREVER
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "PURGE^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor Subscriber Name
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
fwrite 2 sTok1 6
finsblock 2 14
fwrite 2 sPurgeDone 14
cPurCount ++
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function:" 2
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "MODIFY^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor "Cannot find " 1
waitfor "PhoneMail Password"
transmit szNewPswd
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdDone
waitfor " Enter T or F for each field): "
transmit SzPmOptions
cPswdCount ++
waitfor "Failed Acc Attempt : (Previous ="
transmit "0;^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdProblem
iPswdCount ++
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
fwrite 2 sTok1 6
finsblock 2 14
fwrite 2 sPurgeProblem 14
iPurCount ++
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function:" 2
transmit "PROFILE^M"
waitfor "Action: "
transmit "MODIFY^M"
waitfor "Subscriber Name"
; Sends the Text Value (Assigned to Variable sTok1) to the PhoneMail System.
transmit sTok1
transmit "^M"
waitfor "Cannot find " 1
waitfor "PhoneMail Password"
transmit szNewPswd
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdDone
waitfor " Enter T or F for each field): "
transmit SzPmOptions
cPswdCount ++
waitfor "Failed Acc Attempt : (Previous ="
transmit "0;^M"
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
finsblock 2 17
fputs 2 sPswdProblem
iPswdCount ++
transmit ";^M"
transmit ";^M"
fclose 1
fclose 2
usermsg "Missing BCRS_STF.txt FILE"
usermsg "Lost Connection Please Try Again"
pause 1
transmit ";^M"
waitfor "Function: " forever
transmit "LOG^M"
waitfor "Action: " forever
transmit "LOG^M"
capture OFF
chdir WorkDir
if not delfile OldFname ; Delete the temporary file.
errormsg "Couldn't delete `"%s`"!" OldFname
usermsg "`"%s`" deleted." OldFname
usermsg "New PhoneMail Box Password: `"%s`"!" szPassword
usermsg "Boxes Accept Messages: `"%s`"!" szAcptMsgs
usermsg "Boxes Message Alert: `"%s`"!" szMsgAlert
usermsg "Boxes Answer Phone: `"%s`"!" szAnswrPhone
; usermsg "Purged MailBoxes: `"%s`"!" OldFname
usermsg "Boxes Purged: '%d'" cPurCount
usermsg "Boxes NOT Purged: '%d'" iPurCount
usermsg "Passwords Changed: '%d'" cPswdCount
usermsg "Passwords NOT Changed: '%d'" iPswdCount
proc Exit_MailBox
pause 1
transmit ";^M"
proc Press_Enter
pause 1
transmit "^M"