For my next project, I am making a program which searches for all of the shared directories on a computer. My idea is if the directory contains the string "share", then it must be shared.
Program Breakdown:
1. change directory to C:\ drive
2. find first directory
3. convert directory name to upper-case
4. compare upper-case directory character-by-character for the string "SHARE"
5. if the string is found, display the directory name (with a message box)
6. if the string is not found, goto step 2
7. if there are no more directories on the C:\ drive, exit
Each one of these functions works on their own (converting to upper-case, looking for "SHARE", enumerating all directories on the C:\ drive). When I put them all together, I get errors. The program executes fine until it finds a shared directory, then it fails.
Any idea what's wrong with my code?
I am using TASM 5.0 and TLINK32 to compile.
Thanks in advance!
Program Breakdown:
1. change directory to C:\ drive
2. find first directory
3. convert directory name to upper-case
4. compare upper-case directory character-by-character for the string "SHARE"
5. if the string is found, display the directory name (with a message box)
6. if the string is not found, goto step 2
7. if there are no more directories on the C:\ drive, exit
Each one of these functions works on their own (converting to upper-case, looking for "SHARE", enumerating all directories on the C:\ drive). When I put them all together, I get errors. The program executes fine until it finds a shared directory, then it fails.
Any idea what's wrong with my code?
EXTRN FindFirstFileA :PROC
EXTRN SetCurrentDirectoryA :PROC
EXTRN lstrcpyA :PROC
MAX_PATH equ 256
dwFileAttributes dd ?
ftCreationTime dq ?
ftLastAccessTime dq ?
ftLastWriteTime dq ?
nFileSizeHigh dd ?
nFileSizeLow dd ?
Reserved0 dd ?
Reserved1 dd ?
cFileName db MAX_PATH dup(?)
cAlternateFileName db 14 dup(?)
hFind dd ?
szMask db "*.*", 0
szBackDir db "..", 0
szDirectory db MAX_PATH dup(?)
win32FindData WIN32_FIND_DATA <?>
szDrive db "C:\", 0
push offset szDrive
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
push offset win32FindData
push offset szMask
call FindFirstFileA ; find first file in C:\ drive
mov [hFind], eax
cmp eax, 0 ; no files?
je downDirectory
cmp byte ptr [win32FindData.cFileName], "."
je findNextFile
cmp [win32FindData.dwFileAttributes], 10h
je upDirectory
cmp [win32FindData.dwFileAttributes], 30h
je upDirectory
push offset win32FindData
push [hFind]
call FindNextFileA
jmp checkType
push offset win32FindData.cFileName
push offset szDirectory
call lstrcpyA
mov eax, offset szDirectory
cmp byte ptr [eax], 90 ; already uppercase? (90 = Z)
jle toUpperCase
xor byte ptr [eax], 32 ; convert
inc eax
cmp byte ptr [eax], 0 ; at end of string?
je endOfString
cmp byte ptr [eax], 90 ; already uppercase?
jle toUpperCase
xor byte ptr [eax], 32 ; convert
jmp toUpperCase
mov eax, 0
mov eax, offset szDirectory
inc eax
cmp byte ptr [eax], 0 ; end of string?
jne noShare
cmp byte ptr [eax], "S" ; check for S
jne searchShare
cmp byte ptr [eax + 1], "H" ; check for H
jne searchShare
cmp byte ptr [eax + 2], "A" ;
jne searchShare
cmp byte ptr [eax + 3], "R" ;
jne searchShare
cmp byte ptr [eax + 4], "E" ;
jne searchShare
push 0
push offset szDirectory
push offset szDirectory
push 0
call MessageBoxA ; display directory
push offset szDirectory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
cmp eax, 0
je findNextFile
push hFind
jmp findFirstFile
push offset szBackDir
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
push [hFind]
call FindClose
pop [hFind]
cmp [hFind], 0
jne findNextFile
I am using TASM 5.0 and TLINK32 to compile.
Thanks in advance!