I just got done programming a VBA script for Outlook 2000. Basically, whenever e-mail is sent, it kicks and allows the user to opt to record their e-mail to a database. I'll paste in that code below.
The code works just fine for normal e-mail. However, when the user gets undeliverable mail returned, and attempts to resend it, for whatever reason it's not type olMail--it's now type olReport. So I modified the code to trap type olReport and handle it separately. That change to the code isn't included below, but you get the idea.
Unfortunately, there's a problem. Class olReport is missing the Recipients collection that olMail has. It has everything else, including Body, Attachments, Subject, etc, but not Recipients! Nor does it have To, CC, or BCC properties, even though it's being sent just like any other e-mail.
Does anyone know of a way I can collect the Recipients of an undeliverable mail that's being resent? Or a way I can force the olReport to conform to olMail's setup?
Thanks in advance!
Private Sub application_itemsend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
If MsgBox("Do you want to record this e-mail?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dim objItem As MailItem
Set objItem = Item
Dim Conn As New Connection
Dim RST As New Recordset
Dim TempSTR As String
Dim i As Integer
Conn.ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=XXX;uid=XXX;pwd=XXX;database=XXX;"
RST.Open "Select * FROM [EmailLog]", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Dim r As Recipient
For Each r In objItem.Recipients
If TypeName(r.AddressEntry.Members) <> "Nothing" Then
For i = 1 To r.AddressEntry.Members.Count
If Left(r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Address, 1) = "/" Then
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Name & " | "
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Name & " (" & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Address & " | "
End If
Next i
If Left(r.Address, 1) = "/" Then
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.Name & " | "
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.Name & " (" & r.Address & " | "
End If
End If
Next r
If Right(TempSTR, 3) = " | " Then TempSTR = Left(TempSTR, Len(TempSTR) - 3)
RST("EmailTo" = TempSTR
'RST("EmailCC" = objItem.CC
'RST("EmailBCC" = objItem.BCC
RST("EmailSubject" = objItem.Subject
RST("EmailBody" = objItem.Body
RST("EmailSenderName" = objItem.Application.Session.CurrentUser
TempSTR = ""
For i = 1 To objItem.Attachments.Count
TempSTR = TempSTR & objItem.Attachments(i) & " | "
Next i
If Right(TempSTR, 3) = " | " Then TempSTR = Left(TempSTR, Len(TempSTR) - 3)
RST("EmailAttachments" = TempSTR
Set RST = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub
The code works just fine for normal e-mail. However, when the user gets undeliverable mail returned, and attempts to resend it, for whatever reason it's not type olMail--it's now type olReport. So I modified the code to trap type olReport and handle it separately. That change to the code isn't included below, but you get the idea.
Unfortunately, there's a problem. Class olReport is missing the Recipients collection that olMail has. It has everything else, including Body, Attachments, Subject, etc, but not Recipients! Nor does it have To, CC, or BCC properties, even though it's being sent just like any other e-mail.
Does anyone know of a way I can collect the Recipients of an undeliverable mail that's being resent? Or a way I can force the olReport to conform to olMail's setup?
Thanks in advance!
Private Sub application_itemsend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
If MsgBox("Do you want to record this e-mail?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dim objItem As MailItem
Set objItem = Item
Dim Conn As New Connection
Dim RST As New Recordset
Dim TempSTR As String
Dim i As Integer
Conn.ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=XXX;uid=XXX;pwd=XXX;database=XXX;"
RST.Open "Select * FROM [EmailLog]", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Dim r As Recipient
For Each r In objItem.Recipients
If TypeName(r.AddressEntry.Members) <> "Nothing" Then
For i = 1 To r.AddressEntry.Members.Count
If Left(r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Address, 1) = "/" Then
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Name & " | "
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Name & " (" & r.AddressEntry.Members.Item(i).Address & " | "
End If
Next i
If Left(r.Address, 1) = "/" Then
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.Name & " | "
TempSTR = TempSTR & r.Name & " (" & r.Address & " | "
End If
End If
Next r
If Right(TempSTR, 3) = " | " Then TempSTR = Left(TempSTR, Len(TempSTR) - 3)
RST("EmailTo" = TempSTR
'RST("EmailCC" = objItem.CC
'RST("EmailBCC" = objItem.BCC
RST("EmailSubject" = objItem.Subject
RST("EmailBody" = objItem.Body
RST("EmailSenderName" = objItem.Application.Session.CurrentUser
TempSTR = ""
For i = 1 To objItem.Attachments.Count
TempSTR = TempSTR & objItem.Attachments(i) & " | "
Next i
If Right(TempSTR, 3) = " | " Then TempSTR = Left(TempSTR, Len(TempSTR) - 3)
RST("EmailAttachments" = TempSTR
Set RST = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub