Hi, I'm having trouble with a script that looks thru authorlist.txt and looks to see if $author equals any of the lines.
But, so far no matter what you type in for $author, it says that $author allready exists!
Here's the sorting part of the script:
And here is authorlist.txt
As you can see, there is not even the letter J in authorlist.txt, but if you enter J, it will say that author name allready exists!
Also, I would like it if it would match exact case, so if you enter the name "Moo" it does not say that it allready exists because "Moooo" allready does.
You don't know me.
But, so far no matter what you type in for $author, it says that $author allready exists!
Here's the sorting part of the script:
my $author = param('author') or die "You have to enter a Nick Name.";
open(FILE, "<authorlist.txt") or die "Can't open authorlist.txt: $!";
@file = <FILE>;
chomp($key = $author);
foreach $el (@file)
if ($key == $_)
print "That username allready exist, click back and try a different one\n";
And here is authorlist.txt
Max T1
As you can see, there is not even the letter J in authorlist.txt, but if you enter J, it will say that author name allready exists!
Also, I would like it if it would match exact case, so if you enter the name "Moo" it does not say that it allready exists because "Moooo" allready does.
You don't know me.