I have this command on someone's script :
grep "^[13];psf\/210;" $filen | cut -d";" -f$List >> ${pathOut}/psf_210_${dateFile}.txt
The 'List' created with awk :
List=$(nawk 'BEGIN { printf("1,2,3,4,5" for(i=9; i<=2231; i+=202) {
printf(",%d,%d,%d,%d",i+4,i+6,i+18,i+20) } }')
How to represent the grep command above with awk ?
I need it because that command should be modified, because the List now not only one, but I still need to have the same output.
I want to have the grep in one condition take the 1stList and another condition take the 2ndList but have to written to the same file output.
I hope that's clear enough.. but I'm not sure..
If you want to ask me to explain more.. please do so...
Please help.