VBA on an Excel 2000 Worksheet
Using the following code I create a list box.
Set lstSubs = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlListBox, 400, 700, 200, 200)
The next time someone opens this worksheet I want to make sure that this listbox is deleted so that when this code runs again it will not just keep putting one listbox on top of another. I am having problems finding the name of this listbox to delete the control.
Using the following code I create a list box.
Set lstSubs = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlListBox, 400, 700, 200, 200)
The next time someone opens this worksheet I want to make sure that this listbox is deleted so that when this code runs again it will not just keep putting one listbox on top of another. I am having problems finding the name of this listbox to delete the control.