Is it possible to check what DayofWeek it is in regards to where it lies in each month? Example 1st monday, 2nd monday, 3rd Thu, 5th Friday of the month?
I have a formula I found that gives the Last Month of the Day. here:
dateserial(year({Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE}), month({Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE})+1,01)-1
I also have a formula that gives the Day of the Month here:
If DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 1 then "SUN"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 2 then "MON"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 3 then "TUE"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 4 then "WED"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 5 then "THU"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 6 then "FRI "
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 7 then "SAT"
So how can I find this type of info:
Date Day Day#InMonth
01/04/2005 Tue 1
01/05/2005 Wed 1
01/11/2005 Tue 2
01/12/2005 Wed 2
I thought this formula worked, It starts out working, but doesn't re-set for each month. (I think):
local dateTimeVar InputDate:={Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE};
local numbervar A;
local numbervar B;
local datevar C;
local numbervar D;
A := Weekday(InputDate);
B := Year(InputDate + ((8 - A) Mod 7) - 3);
C := cdate(B, 1, 1);
D := (Weekday(C) + 1) Mod 7;
(InputDate - C - 3 + D) \ 7 + 1
However, I can't interpet this formula very well, but I think it is close.
January is correct but then the other months are wrong. It yields this:
Date Day Day#InMonth
02/09/2005 Wed 6 *should be 2
02/14/2005 Mon 7 *should be 2
02/25/2005 Fri 8 *should be 4
03/02/2005 Wed 9 *should be 1
Thanks a lot! Please disregard my other posting which I didn't explain/understand the situation too well.
Crystal 8.5; ORSOS/One Call Hospital Scheduling System v9.3; SQL database; Huge Newbie to Crystal! Operating Room RN Analyst
Is it possible to check what DayofWeek it is in regards to where it lies in each month? Example 1st monday, 2nd monday, 3rd Thu, 5th Friday of the month?
I have a formula I found that gives the Last Month of the Day. here:
dateserial(year({Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE}), month({Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE})+1,01)-1
I also have a formula that gives the Day of the Month here:
If DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 1 then "SUN"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 2 then "MON"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 3 then "TUE"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 4 then "WED"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 5 then "THU"
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 6 then "FRI "
else if DayOfWeek ({Post Case.ENTER_DEPT_DATE}) = 7 then "SAT"
So how can I find this type of info:
Date Day Day#InMonth
01/04/2005 Tue 1
01/05/2005 Wed 1
01/11/2005 Tue 2
01/12/2005 Wed 2
I thought this formula worked, It starts out working, but doesn't re-set for each month. (I think):
local dateTimeVar InputDate:={Post Case.ENTER_PROC_ROOM_DATE};
local numbervar A;
local numbervar B;
local datevar C;
local numbervar D;
A := Weekday(InputDate);
B := Year(InputDate + ((8 - A) Mod 7) - 3);
C := cdate(B, 1, 1);
D := (Weekday(C) + 1) Mod 7;
(InputDate - C - 3 + D) \ 7 + 1
However, I can't interpet this formula very well, but I think it is close.
January is correct but then the other months are wrong. It yields this:
Date Day Day#InMonth
02/09/2005 Wed 6 *should be 2
02/14/2005 Mon 7 *should be 2
02/25/2005 Fri 8 *should be 4
03/02/2005 Wed 9 *should be 1
Thanks a lot! Please disregard my other posting which I didn't explain/understand the situation too well.
Crystal 8.5; ORSOS/One Call Hospital Scheduling System v9.3; SQL database; Huge Newbie to Crystal! Operating Room RN Analyst