What is the code to find a specific string in a textfile and return the text next to this string ?
example text
flStageXPosition = -24056000
flStageYPosition = -15476000
SpecimenRotation = 2000000
SpecimenTilt = 0
Magnification = 50.000
HighTension = 5000.000
FWD = 10.075
I would like to find the string "SpecimenRotation = " and the script returning with "2000000
example text
flStageXPosition = -24056000
flStageYPosition = -15476000
SpecimenRotation = 2000000
SpecimenTilt = 0
Magnification = 50.000
HighTension = 5000.000
FWD = 10.075
I would like to find the string "SpecimenRotation = " and the script returning with "2000000