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Find spaces in a string; Write a line in a txt file

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Jul 17, 2001
I have two doubts!
How can i find a space in a string?
The second one is: how can i write a string line by line, instead of writing it in front of the other string?

to find a space in a string you can try this.

If InStr(1, txtString, " ") Then
MsgBox "Space found"
MsgBox "Space not found"
End If

What do you mean by writing a string line by line.
Do you want to write to a file?
Explain please
Thank you for the "space" help.
And yes... i want to write to a file!
My problem is that when i'm writing it with the Print command, the string will be written in front of the other string.
1 - Test
2 - Car
3 - Visual

This will appear in the file like this:

And what i need is this:

Say you have a textfile Text.txt in the same directory of your application.
Then the code would be something like.
You save what is in your textbox 'txtString' into your file

Open App.Path & "\Text.txt" For Append As #1
Write #1, txtString
Close #1

Good luck
That is what i have been doing... instead of write i use print because of the " ".
But doing what you said you just write the string in front of the other, like i explained before!
This should work...

Open App.Path & "\Text.txt" For Append As #1
print #1, txtString
Close #1

If it doesn't, I would suggest manually inserting a new-line character, followed by a carriage-return. That would make the code look like this:

Open App.Path & "\Text.txt" For Append As #1
print #1, txtString + chr(13) + chr(10)
Close #1
I think if you put a semi-colon at the end of your line it does what you require. eg:-

print#1, txtstring;

Ok my friend this should work.... In my contacts database that I`m building this work so it should work for you. All you have to do is edit the code.....

The main peice of info... is usinv the vbLine Stuff

Public Function FullAddress() As String
'Return a string containing the full name and address.
'If no name or address, return an empty string.

If IsNull(LastName) Or IsNull(Address) Then
FullAddress = ""
'Build the address string.
FullAddress = FullName & vbNewLine & _
Address & vbNewLine & _
City & ", " & _
StateOrProvince & " " & PostalCode
End If
End Function
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