The Javascript code below searches for any word in an HTML file entered into a textfield. Now, the text that needs to be searched through contains special characters like the apostrophe and dot in this sample text: "And the tribe of Zeb′u·lun."
If I type Zebulun with no special characters in my textfield the search function cannot find it. How can I adopt my JS code to include those special characters?
The Javascript code below searches for any word in an HTML file entered into a textfield. Now, the text that needs to be searched through contains special characters like the apostrophe and dot in this sample text: "And the tribe of Zeb′u·lun."
If I type Zebulun with no special characters in my textfield the search function cannot find it. How can I adopt my JS code to include those special characters?
var SearchResultCount = 0;
var a = new Array();
var oneTime = false;
// helper function, recursively searches in elements and their child nodes
function HighlightAllOccurencesOfStringForElement(element,keyword) {
if (element) {
if (element.nodeType == 3) { // Text node
while (true) {
var value = element.nodeValue; // Search for keyword in text node
var idx = value.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword;
if (idx < 0) break; // not found, abort
var span = document.createElement("span");
var text = document.createTextNode(value.substr(idx,keyword.length));
text = document.createTextNode(value.substr(idx+keyword.length));
element.deleteData(idx, value.length - idx);
var next = element.nextSibling;
element.parentNode.insertBefore(span, next);
element.parentNode.insertBefore(text, next);
element = text;
span.style.background= "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #FAE309, #FFF7AA)";
span.style.fontWeight = "bold";
span.style.padding = "2px";
span.style.borderRadius = "5px";
span.style.boxShadow = "0px 0px 2px black";
a.push(span); // SET THIS CODE HERE
SearchResultCount++; // update the counter
} else if (element.nodeType == 1) { // Element node
if (element.style.display != "none" && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'select') {
for (var i=element.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
// the main entry point to start the search
function HighlightAllOccurencesOfString(keyword) {
HighlightAllOccurencesOfStringForElement(document.body, keyword.toLowerCase());