I am trying to extract characters from a string of text. The location of the characters is not always in the same position, however they are always surrounded by "__" characters. In excel I am able to use the MID and FIND functions to make it work. Example... the string looks like this "MONITORS__DIFF__W_3178" I want to extract the characters "_DIFF" from the string. My formula in excel is =IF(ISERR(MID(A2,FIND("__",A2)+1,IF(ISERR(FIND("__",A2,FIND("__",A2)+1)), FIND("__",A2),FIND("__",A2,FIND("__",A2)+1))-FIND("__",A2)-1)),"",MID(A2,FIND("__",A2)+ 1,IF(ISERR(FIND("__",A2,FIND("__",A2)+1)),FIND("__",A2),FIND("__",A2,FIND("__",A2)+1))-FIND("__",A2)-1))
I need to use Access because the data exceeds 65,536 rows. Any suggestions?... Thanks Kirk
I need to use Access because the data exceeds 65,536 rows. Any suggestions?... Thanks Kirk