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Find Dealers within a specified radius based on Long and Lat

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Jan 15, 2003
I have a database with all zipcodes along with their latitude and longitude. I need to find all dealers within a specified radius depending on their zipcode (latitude and longitude).

I found a script on 4guysfromrolla.com, but I am not sure how to implement it with my database.

2 Tables


Here is the code I found
option explicit 
const pi = 3.14159265358979323846

function GetDistance(Lat1, Long1, Lat2, Long2, Unit) dim x 
' do the nasty calcs 
x = (sin(DegToRads(Lat1)) * sin(DegToRads(Lat2)) + cos(DegToRads(Lat1)) * _
 cos(DegToRads(Lat2)) * cos(abs((DegToRads(long2))-(DegToRads(long1))))) 
' Get Acos(x) 
x = atn((sqr(1-x^2))/x) 
' Get distance in kilometers 
GetDistance = 1.852 * 60.0 * ((x/pi)*180) 
' Convert units if necessary 
select case ucase(Unit) 
case "M" 
GetDistance = GetDistance / 1.609344 
case "N" 
GetDistance = GetDistance / 1.852 
end select 

end function

function DegToRads(Deg) 
DegToRads = cdbl(Deg * pi / 180) 
end function

sub DecimalDegToDMS(DecimalDegrees, Degs, Mins, Secs) 
Dim temp 
Degs = fix(DecimalDegrees) 
temp = (DecimalDegrees - Degs) * 60. 
Mins = fix(temp) 
temp = (temp - Mins) * 60. 
Secs = fix(temp) 
end sub

dim d, m, s
response.write "<html><body>Calculating the distance between Dallas (75248) and San Antonio (78201)<br><br>"
response.write GetDistance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "M") & " Miles<br>"
response.write GetDistance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "K") & " Km<br>"
response.write GetDistance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "N") & " Nautical Miles<br>"
DecimalDegToDMS 32.9697, d, m, s
response.write "Dallas' decimal latitude of 32.9697 can also be shown as " & d & "&#176; " & m & "' " & s & """"
response.write "</body></html>" 

In a later article they say thing
iRadius = 150

LatRange = iradius / ((6076 / 5280) * 60)
LongRange = iRadius / (((cos(cdbl(iStartLat * _
            3.141592653589 / 180)) * 6076.) / 5280.) * 60)

LowLatitude = istartlat - LatRange
HighLatitude = istartlat + LatRange
LowLongitude = istartlong - LongRange
HighLongitude = istartlong + LongRange

Now you can create a SQL statement which limits the recordset of cities in this manner:
 FROM Locations
 WHERE Latitude <= [HighLatitude]
   AND Latitude >= [LowLatitude]
   AND Longitude >= [LowLongitude]
   AND Longitude <= [HighLongitude]

Can someone help me implement this?


Let me clarify what I am trying to accomplish as I didn't do a very good job in my first post.

I want a form on my page where I input a zipcode and a radius in miles. I want to query the database and display all dealers located within the specified radius.

I am using asp and mysql database.

What type of database are you using. SQL Server, Access, etc...


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
I was going to reply earlier, but decided not to. I am not familiar with MySQL. I am, however, VERY familiar with SQL Server. The reason I mention this is because I have a handy dandy little function that can calculate distances in a SQL Server User Defined Function.

So... I would approach this problem by creating a database query to do all the work. I would only use ASP to dipslay the results. In case you are interested, here's a thread that shows how you can calculate distances and then use the calculations to return the correct results from the database.


Again, this is for Microsoft SQL Server. I'm not sure how much help this will be for you since you are using MySQL. Sorry.


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
Thanks for responding gmmastros, I can't seem to make that work, but it may have given me some other ideas. I kind of figured this would be a pretty common thing. I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult when I bought the database.

New approach. What about something like this I found on Experts Exchange?

My question, how do I set the session UserLat and UserLon?

pi = 3.14159265358979323846
UserLat = session("lat")
UserLon = session("long")
distance = request.form("txtdistance")
earth_radius_miles = 6378100 / 0.3048 / 5280
lat_miles_per_deg = earth_radius_miles * pi / 180
lon_miles_per_deg = cos(UserLat) * lat_miles_per_deg

strSQL = "select tblUsers.id, tblUsers.username, tblUsers.Zip, (" & UserLat & "-lat2)*" & lat_miles_per_deg & " AS latdist, (" & UserLon & "-lon2)*" & lon_miles_per_deg & " AS londist, sqrt(latdist*latdist+londist*londist) AS distance from tblUsers inner join tblZips on tblZips = tblUsers.zip 
WHERE lat2 >= " & (UserLat - distance / lat_miles_per_deg) & " AND lat2 <= "& (UserLat + distance / lat_miles_per_deg) & " AND lon2 >= " & (UserLon - distance / lon_miles_per_deg) & " AND lon2 <= " & (UserLon + distance / lon_miles_per_deg) & "
HAVING distance < " & distance & ""

Well, the user will be entering their zip code, right? You just need to write a query that will return the lat and lon from the zip_codes table based on the users input.

Be aware that not all 5 digit numbers represent a valid zip code. With 5 digits, there are 100,000 combinations, but only approximately 30 or 40,000 zip codes, so you will need to validate the zip code that the user enters.


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
Can you explain how, i don't know how to return a value to a session variable.

I guess i should have said I don't know how to return a session variable on the same page. Can this be done on 1 page?

Thought about using the Google Maps API? I think there are some pretty good GIS functions you can build.
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