as i understand it, if my main timeline is running through scene2 and its on the fifth frame, the root._currentframe will be 5 + however many frames there are in previous scenes.
so what if i want to know the _currentframe for the scene that is playing, meaning the actual number of the frame as it is in the timeline, not as its related to the entire movie will all the scenes considered?
is it possible without knowing the # of frames in previous scenes to figure out the current frame# as it shows in the timeline? (also is it possible to find out the # of frames in a scene using actionscript?)
or, as i suspect, is the whole "scene" concept a visual organization convenience with absolutely no relevance to actionscript? any clues appreciated...
so what if i want to know the _currentframe for the scene that is playing, meaning the actual number of the frame as it is in the timeline, not as its related to the entire movie will all the scenes considered?
is it possible without knowing the # of frames in previous scenes to figure out the current frame# as it shows in the timeline? (also is it possible to find out the # of frames in a scene using actionscript?)
or, as i suspect, is the whole "scene" concept a visual organization convenience with absolutely no relevance to actionscript? any clues appreciated...