Technical User
Dawnsie asked this on another thread and I was waiting for a new thread so I could benefit too!
"Can anyone tell me where to find good examples on filtering using VB. I have a worksheet, where the user selects an item from a combobox and based on the selection, I need to filter the data, copy columns B, C and G whose records match the combox selection (representing column A) into a range on the worksheet. I am fairly new to the Excel/VB side of things and need some fast and serious help with this particular item. Thanks."
"Can anyone tell me where to find good examples on filtering using VB. I have a worksheet, where the user selects an item from a combobox and based on the selection, I need to filter the data, copy columns B, C and G whose records match the combox selection (representing column A) into a range on the worksheet. I am fairly new to the Excel/VB side of things and need some fast and serious help with this particular item. Thanks."