Hi thanks for the link I read it but I can't seem to make any sense of it in my situation?? I ended up with the customer contact list being blank whatever the customer was set to.
here goes from the beginning
I have a form with two combo boxes
Customer and Customer_Contact
Customer combo box has this code in the rowsource
SELECT tblCustomerInfo.Auto_ID, tblCustomerInfo.Company FROM tblCustomerInfo ORDER BY tblCustomerInfo.Company;
Customer_Contact combo box has this code in the rowsource
SELECT [tblCustomerInfo Query].Auto_ID, [tblCustomerInfo Query].fullname FROM [tblCustomerInfo Query];
Auto_ID is a random number.
There could be multiple customers and multiple contacts
When selecting the customer from the first box I would like the second box to only show the Customer_contacts for that customer.
How are [tblCustomerInfo Query] and tblCustomerInfo related ?
If by chance tblCustomerInfo Query].Auto_ID is a FK referencing tblCustomerInfo.Auto_ID, then try the following.
In the AfterUpdate event procedure of the Customer combo box :
Me!Customer_Contact.RowSource = "SELECT Auto_ID, fullname FROM [tblCustomerInfo Query] WHERE Auto_ID=" & Me!Customer.Auto_ID
Hope This Helps, PH.
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