The main form FrmAmendHouseDetails contains a Tab control, there are 4 tabs, each Tab contains has subfrm in datasheet view, the fields are locked to the user.
I have created a Pop up form to enable the user view all the information (easily) held in the filtered record, which can then be edited
Each subfrm has a query to filter the selected record, the criteria of that filter within the query is [Forms]![FrmAmendHouseDetails]![FrmWorkDone]![CostsID]
The names of the 4 datasheet subforms are:-
How do I use just one popup form, without having to create 4 separate popup forms with 4 separate queries
There idea is therefore to click on the Tab FrmWorkDone then click on the record I want to look at, which opens the Popup Form
Then if I want too click on the Tab FrmWarrantiesOrGuaranties then click on the record I want to look at, which opens the same Popup Form but showing the correct record.
I hope I have given you enough info to point me in the right direction
The main form FrmAmendHouseDetails contains a Tab control, there are 4 tabs, each Tab contains has subfrm in datasheet view, the fields are locked to the user.
I have created a Pop up form to enable the user view all the information (easily) held in the filtered record, which can then be edited
Each subfrm has a query to filter the selected record, the criteria of that filter within the query is [Forms]![FrmAmendHouseDetails]![FrmWorkDone]![CostsID]
The names of the 4 datasheet subforms are:-
How do I use just one popup form, without having to create 4 separate popup forms with 4 separate queries
There idea is therefore to click on the Tab FrmWorkDone then click on the record I want to look at, which opens the Popup Form
Then if I want too click on the Tab FrmWarrantiesOrGuaranties then click on the record I want to look at, which opens the same Popup Form but showing the correct record.
I hope I have given you enough info to point me in the right direction