I have 2 DBF's, Employer and Employee. I create cursors which select the records to be presented in comboboxes on a form. Initially the employer cursor is positioned to a 'All' selection and the employees are not filtered showing all employees in their corresponding comboboxes. When a user selects an employer, a "Set Filter" command is issued in the INTERACTIVECHANGE method against the cursor used for the employee pulldown. All good so far. I then have a button on the form to create a report. Before displaying the report another cursor for the report is run using the filtered employee cursor.
I was expecting that the FilteredEmployee cursor would only supply records for the selected employer. Instead all employees for all employers are selected. The SQL select ignored the filter set on the FilteredEmployee cursor. Is there some SET command I am missing or do I need to do this another way?
TIA, Mark
SELECT * FROM FilteredEmployee LEFT JOIN Employer ON EMPLOYER.ID = FilteredEmployee.EmployerID
TIA, Mark