I have 2 tables each with a similar column (townships).<br>
table 1 has districts and townships<br>
table 2 has townships<br>
the townships in table 2 are fewer than table 1 but _may_ contain some that table 1 does not have yet.<br>
I've attempted to use the append query to get rid of any duplicates between the tables and dumping the info in table 3. then I made a find unmatch query between table 1 and table 3.<br>
Unfortunately, there are certain records that are missing the word "area" in table 2, but that should have it.<br>
aside from going thru all the records and adding it, is there an easier way to remove the records in table 2 that correspond to records in table 1, at the same time as removing the similar "area" lacking records in table 2.<br>
I think it is possible using a query with the district field in table 1 since table 2 doesn't have one, but I am unsure how.<br>
thanks <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=
table 1 has districts and townships<br>
table 2 has townships<br>
the townships in table 2 are fewer than table 1 but _may_ contain some that table 1 does not have yet.<br>
I've attempted to use the append query to get rid of any duplicates between the tables and dumping the info in table 3. then I made a find unmatch query between table 1 and table 3.<br>
Unfortunately, there are certain records that are missing the word "area" in table 2, but that should have it.<br>
aside from going thru all the records and adding it, is there an easier way to remove the records in table 2 that correspond to records in table 1, at the same time as removing the similar "area" lacking records in table 2.<br>
I think it is possible using a query with the district field in table 1 since table 2 doesn't have one, but I am unsure how.<br>
thanks <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=