I'm trying to filter a query to export to excel. I don't know what I'm doing so I've been trying to copy some examples I've seen. I have a text box on my form that captures user input to use in the routine. In the routine I am really not sure where to put the filter information or how to apply it to my query. I am going to paste the code. I have a randome line in there after I defined my record set which obviously does nothing. Again, not sure how to apply. Any help would be appreciated!
Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdStartExport___Click()
Dim DB As Database
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim RSBudget As Recordset
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim introw As Long
Dim strCC As String
Dim strPosition As String
Dim strExportTemplate As String
Dim strStart As String
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
Dim strSQL As String
strStart = txtStart
strFolder = Trim(txtFolder)
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strFolder = strFolder & "\"
End If
strFilename = Trim(txtFileName)
If Right(strFilename, 5) <> ".xlsx" Then
strFilename = strFilename & ".xlsx"
End If
strFilename = strFolder & strFilename
strExportTemplate = strFolder & "New Export Template.xlsx"
With xlApp
.Visible = False
Set WB = .Workbooks.Open(strExportTemplate)
.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFilename)
End With
txtCurrProfile = Null
strStart = txtStart
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set qdf = DB.QueryDefs("Summary of fx and oh")
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
Next prm
Set RSBudget = qdf.OpenRecordset
strSQL = "Select * From [Summary of fx and oh] Where [Job Type] = Forms![Dollar Export with fx and oh]![txtJobType]"
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 2) = strStart
strCC = RSBudget("Act Cost Center") & ""
strPosition = RSBudget("Position Number") & ""
introw = 4
Do Until RSBudget.EOF
txtCurrProfile = "Exporting Position " & strPosition & " ..."
With xlApp
.Cells(introw, 1) = RSBudget("Position Number")
.Cells(introw, 2) = RSBudget("Job Title")
.Cells(introw, 3) = RSBudget("Taleo Number")
.Cells(introw, 4) = RSBudget("Staffing Status")
.Cells(introw, 5) = RSBudget("Act Cost Center")
.Cells(introw, 6) = RSBudget("Job Type")
.Cells(introw, 7) = RSBudget("RLT Member")
.Cells(introw, 8) = RSBudget("Business Need")
.Cells(introw, 13) = Nz(RSBudget("B1"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 14) = Nz(RSBudget("M1"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 16) = Nz(RSBudget("F1a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 17) = Nz(RSBudget("F1b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 15).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 16) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 17) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 18) = Nz(RSBudget("B2"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 19) = Nz(RSBudget("M2"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 21) = Nz(RSBudget("F2a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 22) = Nz(RSBudget("F2b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 20).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 21) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 22) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 23) = Nz(RSBudget("B3"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 24) = Nz(RSBudget("M3"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 26) = Nz(RSBudget("F3a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 27) = Nz(RSBudget("F3b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 25).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 26) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 27) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 28).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 13) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 18) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 23) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 29).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 14) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 19) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 24) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 30).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 15) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 20) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 25) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 31) = Nz(RSBudget("B4"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 32) = Nz(RSBudget("M4"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 34) = Nz(RSBudget("F4a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 35) = Nz(RSBudget("F4b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 33).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 34) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 35) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 36) = Nz(RSBudget("B5"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 37) = Nz(RSBudget("M5"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 39) = Nz(RSBudget("F5a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 40) = Nz(RSBudget("F5b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 38).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 39) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 40) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 41) = Nz(RSBudget("B6"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 42) = Nz(RSBudget("M6"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 44) = Nz(RSBudget("F6a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 45) = Nz(RSBudget("F6b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 43).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 44) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 45) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 46).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 31) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 36) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 41) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 47).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 32) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 37) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 42) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 48).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 33) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 38) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 43) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 49) = Nz(RSBudget("B7"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 50) = Nz(RSBudget("M7"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 52) = Nz(RSBudget("F7a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 53) = Nz(RSBudget("F7b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 51).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 52) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 53) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 54) = Nz(RSBudget("B8"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 55) = Nz(RSBudget("M8"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 57) = Nz(RSBudget("F8a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 58) = Nz(RSBudget("F8b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 56).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 57) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 58) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 59) = Nz(RSBudget("B9"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 60) = Nz(RSBudget("M9"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 62) = Nz(RSBudget("F9a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 63) = Nz(RSBudget("F9b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 61).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 62) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 63) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 64).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 49) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 54) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 59) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 65).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 50) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 55) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 60) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 66).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 51) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 56) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 61) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 67) = Nz(RSBudget("B10"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 68) = Nz(RSBudget("M10"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 70) = Nz(RSBudget("F10a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 71) = Nz(RSBudget("F10b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 69).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 70) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 71) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 72) = Nz(RSBudget("B11"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 73) = Nz(RSBudget("M11"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 75) = Nz(RSBudget("F11a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 76) = Nz(RSBudget("F11b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 74).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 75) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 76) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 77) = Nz(RSBudget("B12"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 78) = Nz(RSBudget("M12"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 80) = Nz(RSBudget("F12a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 81) = Nz(RSBudget("F12b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 79).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 80) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 81) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 82).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 67) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 72) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 77) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 83).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 68) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 73) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 78) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 84).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 69) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 74) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 79) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 85).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 28) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 46) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 64) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 82) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 86).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 29) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 47) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 65) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 83) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 87).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 30) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 48) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 66) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 84) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 88).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 86) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 87) & ")"
If Len(strCC) <> 0 Then
blnCC = CC(strCC, introw, WB, xlApp)
End If
End With
introw = introw + 1
If RSBudget.EOF Then Exit Do
strCC = RSBudget("Act Cost Center") & ""
strPosition = RSBudget("Position Number") & ""
introw = introw + 2
With xlApp
.Cells(introw, 1) = "Totals:"
.Cells(introw, 6).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(3, F4:" & .Cells((introw - 2), 11).Address(False, False) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 13).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9, M4:" & .Cells((introw - 2), 11).Address(False, False) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 13).Select
.Range("N" & introw & ":CJ" & introw).Select
.Range("M4:CJ" & introw).Select
.Selection.NumberFormat = "0;[Red]0"
.Application.Goto Reference:="R4C2"
.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End With
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSSpecialist = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
txtCurrProfile = "Done!"
End Sub
Private Function CC(strCC As String, introw As Long, WB As Workbook, xlApp As Excel.Application) As Boolean
Dim DB As Database
Dim RSCCinfo As Recordset
CC = False
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSCCinfo = DB.OpenRecordset("Cost Center Information", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not RSCCinfo.EOF
If Trim(RSCCinfo("Sap#")) = strCC Then
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 9) = RSCCinfo("Region")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 10) = RSCCinfo("Country")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 11) = RSCCinfo("Division")
End If
If RSCCinfo.EOF Then Exit Do
CC = True
End Function
Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdStartExport___Click()
Dim DB As Database
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim RSBudget As Recordset
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim introw As Long
Dim strCC As String
Dim strPosition As String
Dim strExportTemplate As String
Dim strStart As String
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
Dim strSQL As String
strStart = txtStart
strFolder = Trim(txtFolder)
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strFolder = strFolder & "\"
End If
strFilename = Trim(txtFileName)
If Right(strFilename, 5) <> ".xlsx" Then
strFilename = strFilename & ".xlsx"
End If
strFilename = strFolder & strFilename
strExportTemplate = strFolder & "New Export Template.xlsx"
With xlApp
.Visible = False
Set WB = .Workbooks.Open(strExportTemplate)
.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFilename)
End With
txtCurrProfile = Null
strStart = txtStart
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set qdf = DB.QueryDefs("Summary of fx and oh")
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
Next prm
Set RSBudget = qdf.OpenRecordset
strSQL = "Select * From [Summary of fx and oh] Where [Job Type] = Forms![Dollar Export with fx and oh]![txtJobType]"
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 2) = strStart
strCC = RSBudget("Act Cost Center") & ""
strPosition = RSBudget("Position Number") & ""
introw = 4
Do Until RSBudget.EOF
txtCurrProfile = "Exporting Position " & strPosition & " ..."
With xlApp
.Cells(introw, 1) = RSBudget("Position Number")
.Cells(introw, 2) = RSBudget("Job Title")
.Cells(introw, 3) = RSBudget("Taleo Number")
.Cells(introw, 4) = RSBudget("Staffing Status")
.Cells(introw, 5) = RSBudget("Act Cost Center")
.Cells(introw, 6) = RSBudget("Job Type")
.Cells(introw, 7) = RSBudget("RLT Member")
.Cells(introw, 8) = RSBudget("Business Need")
.Cells(introw, 13) = Nz(RSBudget("B1"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 14) = Nz(RSBudget("M1"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 16) = Nz(RSBudget("F1a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 17) = Nz(RSBudget("F1b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 15).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 16) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 17) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 18) = Nz(RSBudget("B2"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 19) = Nz(RSBudget("M2"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 21) = Nz(RSBudget("F2a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 22) = Nz(RSBudget("F2b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 20).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 21) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 22) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 23) = Nz(RSBudget("B3"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 24) = Nz(RSBudget("M3"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 26) = Nz(RSBudget("F3a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 27) = Nz(RSBudget("F3b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 25).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 26) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 27) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 28).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 13) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 18) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 23) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 29).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 14) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 19) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 24) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 30).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 15) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 20) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 25) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 31) = Nz(RSBudget("B4"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 32) = Nz(RSBudget("M4"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 34) = Nz(RSBudget("F4a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 35) = Nz(RSBudget("F4b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 33).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 34) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 35) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 36) = Nz(RSBudget("B5"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 37) = Nz(RSBudget("M5"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 39) = Nz(RSBudget("F5a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 40) = Nz(RSBudget("F5b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 38).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 39) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 40) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 41) = Nz(RSBudget("B6"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 42) = Nz(RSBudget("M6"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 44) = Nz(RSBudget("F6a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 45) = Nz(RSBudget("F6b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 43).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 44) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 45) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 46).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 31) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 36) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 41) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 47).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 32) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 37) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 42) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 48).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 33) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 38) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 43) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 49) = Nz(RSBudget("B7"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 50) = Nz(RSBudget("M7"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 52) = Nz(RSBudget("F7a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 53) = Nz(RSBudget("F7b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 51).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 52) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 53) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 54) = Nz(RSBudget("B8"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 55) = Nz(RSBudget("M8"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 57) = Nz(RSBudget("F8a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 58) = Nz(RSBudget("F8b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 56).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 57) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 58) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 59) = Nz(RSBudget("B9"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 60) = Nz(RSBudget("M9"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 62) = Nz(RSBudget("F9a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 63) = Nz(RSBudget("F9b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 61).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 62) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 63) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 64).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 49) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 54) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 59) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 65).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 50) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 55) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 60) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 66).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 51) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 56) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 61) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 67) = Nz(RSBudget("B10"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 68) = Nz(RSBudget("M10"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 70) = Nz(RSBudget("F10a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 71) = Nz(RSBudget("F10b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 69).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 70) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 71) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 72) = Nz(RSBudget("B11"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 73) = Nz(RSBudget("M11"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 75) = Nz(RSBudget("F11a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 76) = Nz(RSBudget("F11b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 74).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 75) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 76) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 77) = Nz(RSBudget("B12"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 78) = Nz(RSBudget("M12"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 80) = Nz(RSBudget("F12a"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 81) = Nz(RSBudget("F12b"), 0)
.Cells(introw, 79).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 80) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 81) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 82).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 67) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 72) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 77) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 83).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 68) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 73) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 78) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 84).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 69) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 74) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 79) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 85).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 28) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 46) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 64) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 82) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 86).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 29) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 47) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 65) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 83) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 87).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 30) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 48) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 66) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 84) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 88).Formula = "=(+" & .Cells(introw, 86) & "+" & .Cells(introw, 87) & ")"
If Len(strCC) <> 0 Then
blnCC = CC(strCC, introw, WB, xlApp)
End If
End With
introw = introw + 1
If RSBudget.EOF Then Exit Do
strCC = RSBudget("Act Cost Center") & ""
strPosition = RSBudget("Position Number") & ""
introw = introw + 2
With xlApp
.Cells(introw, 1) = "Totals:"
.Cells(introw, 6).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(3, F4:" & .Cells((introw - 2), 11).Address(False, False) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 13).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9, M4:" & .Cells((introw - 2), 11).Address(False, False) & ")"
.Cells(introw, 13).Select
.Range("N" & introw & ":CJ" & introw).Select
.Range("M4:CJ" & introw).Select
.Selection.NumberFormat = "0;[Red]0"
.Application.Goto Reference:="R4C2"
.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End With
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSSpecialist = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
txtCurrProfile = "Done!"
End Sub
Private Function CC(strCC As String, introw As Long, WB As Workbook, xlApp As Excel.Application) As Boolean
Dim DB As Database
Dim RSCCinfo As Recordset
CC = False
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSCCinfo = DB.OpenRecordset("Cost Center Information", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not RSCCinfo.EOF
If Trim(RSCCinfo("Sap#")) = strCC Then
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 9) = RSCCinfo("Region")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 10) = RSCCinfo("Country")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, 11) = RSCCinfo("Division")
End If
If RSCCinfo.EOF Then Exit Do
CC = True
End Function