I have a database with two reports, 1 form, and 1 table. On the form I have a list of "input type" of information, I have two reports to show who is present and who is absent (same fields), I need to know how to put a checkbox on my form so that that record will filter into my absent report (not going to show up in my "present" report unless I unclick that same checkbox). Can someone help me on how to do this... Tejanorey
"Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army."
- Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War; shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings to keep the enemy from immediately fleeing
"Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army."
- Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War; shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings to keep the enemy from immediately fleeing