Oops, no subject on my first post.
Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm sort of new so I hope I can explain my problem correctly.
Table 1 is CaseFiles and has the columns CaseFileNum, CaseAgent, Crime and EntryDate. The basic information regarding a case is stored here when a case is opened and usually does not change once entered.
Table 2 is CaseFileSuspects and has the columns CaseFileNum, SuspectID and SuspectType. This table stores all the suspects (from a master Suspects table) that have been assigned to a particular case. Suspects can be assigned to many cases in their “career”.
Table 3 is InvestigationDetails and contains all information regarding the individual investigation. A single case file can have up to 40 investigations. Among the 25 or so columns are CaseFileNum and InvestigationNum. Until now, when printing the investigation information I included all suspects assigned to that case file. Now I need the ability to not print some suspects. I wanted to have a subform in the InvestigationDetails form that would show all suspects assigned to the case and be able to uncheck those that I didn’t want to be included in the printed reports. In addition, I need to be able to identify any suspect that was arrested during this particular investigation.
I made a new table InvestigationSuspects that had the columns InvestigationNum, SuspectID and a Yes/No column for Arrested. I have no clue as to how to get the information to the new table for use later.
Again, any assistance would be appreciated.
Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm sort of new so I hope I can explain my problem correctly.
Table 1 is CaseFiles and has the columns CaseFileNum, CaseAgent, Crime and EntryDate. The basic information regarding a case is stored here when a case is opened and usually does not change once entered.
Table 2 is CaseFileSuspects and has the columns CaseFileNum, SuspectID and SuspectType. This table stores all the suspects (from a master Suspects table) that have been assigned to a particular case. Suspects can be assigned to many cases in their “career”.
Table 3 is InvestigationDetails and contains all information regarding the individual investigation. A single case file can have up to 40 investigations. Among the 25 or so columns are CaseFileNum and InvestigationNum. Until now, when printing the investigation information I included all suspects assigned to that case file. Now I need the ability to not print some suspects. I wanted to have a subform in the InvestigationDetails form that would show all suspects assigned to the case and be able to uncheck those that I didn’t want to be included in the printed reports. In addition, I need to be able to identify any suspect that was arrested during this particular investigation.
I made a new table InvestigationSuspects that had the columns InvestigationNum, SuspectID and a Yes/No column for Arrested. I have no clue as to how to get the information to the new table for use later.
Again, any assistance would be appreciated.