hi<br><br>I am getting information from the database, from one certain column. I put it into an array, which I inserted into the drop down list. But, my problem is, in the database, some of the information is entered more than once, for different records. I don't want double values listed in drop down box. Here is my code:<br><br>For lQuestionNumber = 1 To 110<br> strSQL = "SELECT * from Emp_Answers where No_Employe = " & CInt(EmpNo)<br> set rs = con.execute(strSQL)<br> strExamNo = rs("Exam_No"<br> strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Exam_SRHEX" & strExamNo & " where Question_No =" & lQuestionNumber<br> <br> Set rs = con.Execute(strSQL)<br><br> While Not rs.EOF<br> for index = 0 to (lQuestionNumber-1)<br> if InStr(rs("Answer_Text", sAnswers(index)) = 0 then <br> sAnswers(lQuestionNumber - 1) = rs("Answer_Text"<br> end if<br> next<br> sQuestionNo(lQuestionNumber - 1) = rs("Question_No"<br> rs.MoveNext<br> Wend<br>Next<br><br><br>this now gives me no values in the dropbox - can someone please give me some advice? (I didn't put here the code to add data to drop box, cause that was working fine until I tried the If InStr command.)<br><br>Thanks in advance )<br>