Main Form : Adresse
Subform : Contact
In the head of my form I wan't a listbox, listing the Contacts.
Problem : It seems I could only fill in the listbox with fields available in the main form, but I like to have al the contacts of my subform or the contacttable.
The second action is after selection to filter a contact in the subform. I would try this with something like this
Docmd.FindRecord lstBox.Column(0)
Or Me.SubForm.Form.Filter = lstBox.Column(0)
Me.SubForm.Form.FilterOn = True
txks, pat
Main Form : Adresse
Subform : Contact
In the head of my form I wan't a listbox, listing the Contacts.
Problem : It seems I could only fill in the listbox with fields available in the main form, but I like to have al the contacts of my subform or the contacttable.
The second action is after selection to filter a contact in the subform. I would try this with something like this
Docmd.FindRecord lstBox.Column(0)
Or Me.SubForm.Form.Filter = lstBox.Column(0)
Me.SubForm.Form.FilterOn = True
txks, pat