When you loop through a list of files in a directory using the VBScript FileSystemObject:
for each file in oFolder.Files
That is assuming you have called a GetFolder() on a path - but of course. Anyway, the 'hidden' property is set and you see all hidden files within that directory as well. Does the file object have any file testers that can determine if a file is hidden or not? So that I could do something like:
if(file.IsHidden) then
'do something
end if
Does such a thing exist?
for each file in oFolder.Files
That is assuming you have called a GetFolder() on a path - but of course. Anyway, the 'hidden' property is set and you see all hidden files within that directory as well. Does the file object have any file testers that can determine if a file is hidden or not? So that I could do something like:
if(file.IsHidden) then
'do something
end if
Does such a thing exist?