I'm writing a file to my gps. Now for me, my gps, is drive I:. But the problem is that when someone from my company plug his gps in his computer at home that it can be E:, F:, ...
We have all TomTom gps in the company and the drive is also called TomTom. So to avoid problems, can I write a file using TomTom instead of I:\blabla.txt?
The One And Only KryptoS
I'm writing a file to my gps. Now for me, my gps, is drive I:. But the problem is that when someone from my company plug his gps in his computer at home that it can be E:, F:, ...
We have all TomTom gps in the company and the drive is also called TomTom. So to avoid problems, can I write a file using TomTom instead of I:\blabla.txt?
The One And Only KryptoS