We're having a problem uploading large files via our web form on our website. The site uses a framework and scripts that the webmaster didn't write. the problem is a user friendly message comes back saying to choose another file.
I wrote a basic upload script just to see if i could get any actual errors. here is the script, it more or less came from the php website.
the problem is when I upload a large file, say 60 megs, I don't get any php errors but the "rint_r($_FILES)" line only shows "Array()" How can I find out if this is a timeout issue or resource problem of somekind. Thanks.
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
I wrote a basic upload script just to see if i could get any actual errors. here is the script, it more or less came from the php website.
$uploaddir = 'c:/apachefriends/xampp/htdocs/travisUploadTest/';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadFile']['name']);
echo '<pre>';
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);
echo 'Here is some more debugging info:';
print "</pre>";
the problem is when I upload a large file, say 60 megs, I don't get any php errors but the "rint_r($_FILES)" line only shows "Array()" How can I find out if this is a timeout issue or resource problem of somekind. Thanks.
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.