I got a two system, let assumes it to PC1 and PC2, both linked into a hub with cat5 cable. Now I can't do a file tranfer, network printing and open a document in both pc. Everytime I and opened the PC1 document from PC2, a message box will pop up with a message:- ("filename" cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document is stored on my not be responding.) And I checked the properties of the document, it's not a read-only. Another problem is when i do a file transfer a message box will shown up with:-(Network permission error: you do not have the permission to do this file copy). For this problem, i have check all the network setting, and i didn't find any error. For network printing, everytime i try to print a document from PC2, the network will hang up, and the printer is connected to to PC1. For more information, both pc using win98se with realtek nic. I can see both pc in network neighbourhood but unable to access and to the thing that I mention above. Can anyone help me out of this problem?