File status 39 means:
The file organization specified for the file name does not
match the actual file organization of the physical file.
this is for RM/COBOL.
Other error Message under 39, pls specify Cobol/runtime.
There are 39,01 39,02 39,03 .......
error on OPEN because the properties of the file are not compatible with those defined in the program.
If you want to fix it, you should know what is wrong with the output file.
To avoid the problem, you can write a small program that opens the same kind of file for output and writes something.
After that, you compare the output file with the original one to find out what the differences are....
The most ommon causes of this error are wrong file organization, wrong record length, wrong key position or key length, and fixed vs variable length records.
Hope this helps Betty Scherber
Brainbench MVP for COBOL II
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