In our office we have a WIN 2000 server which I am using as file server.
On the server I have created folders for each employee (*), created a user and password for the employee and a share which is linked to the folder(*) I mentioned before.
On the XP machine I have created netdrives that link to the personal folder.
For example:
John Smith
On the WIN2000 I have a folder c:\shares\John
I have created user john
I have created share John which is linked to C:\shares\John and where in the Share permissions user john(SERVER\john) has full control and under security everyone and user john (SERVER\john) have full control
On John's XP machine I go in explorer and right-click on My Computer and make a netshare \\192.168.1.x\john with the field re-connect on login ticked and his username and password on the WIN 2000.
Once done I get a conection to the folder.
Now the problem:
When the person reboots his machine the netshare connection does not work and the person has to re-enter the password and username to connect again!??
What am I doing wrong or should I do to correct this?
On the server I have created folders for each employee (*), created a user and password for the employee and a share which is linked to the folder(*) I mentioned before.
On the XP machine I have created netdrives that link to the personal folder.
For example:
John Smith
On the WIN2000 I have a folder c:\shares\John
I have created user john
I have created share John which is linked to C:\shares\John and where in the Share permissions user john(SERVER\john) has full control and under security everyone and user john (SERVER\john) have full control
On John's XP machine I go in explorer and right-click on My Computer and make a netshare \\192.168.1.x\john with the field re-connect on login ticked and his username and password on the WIN 2000.
Once done I get a conection to the folder.
Now the problem:
When the person reboots his machine the netshare connection does not work and the person has to re-enter the password and username to connect again!??
What am I doing wrong or should I do to correct this?