In this snippet of my code:
I am getting a file not found error on the last line.
I don't really get it, the recordset name is correct as is the field name, in fact I copied and pasted the lines from another piece of script, just changing the names of the field and variables.
I'm hoping I'm just going slightly blind and have made a silly typo. I work in a department by myself however so I can't get someone to cast their eyes over it.
The entirety of the code follows but I'm sure it must be the first bit that's at fault.
Function Filter_Proc2()
Dim isFound, TextLine1
Dim rst_read As Recordset
Dim rst_write As Recordset
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstread = dbs.OpenRecordset("Stored_Proc")
Set rstwrite = dbs.OpenRecordset("Filter_Proc")
While Not rstread.EOF
Open rstread.Function_name For Input As #1
I am getting a file not found error on the last line.
I don't really get it, the recordset name is correct as is the field name, in fact I copied and pasted the lines from another piece of script, just changing the names of the field and variables.
I'm hoping I'm just going slightly blind and have made a silly typo. I work in a department by myself however so I can't get someone to cast their eyes over it.
The entirety of the code follows but I'm sure it must be the first bit that's at fault.
Option Compare Database
Function Filter_Proc2()
Dim isFound, TextLine1
Dim rst_read As Recordset
Dim rst_write As Recordset
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstread = dbs.OpenRecordset("Stored_Proc")
Set rstwrite = dbs.OpenRecordset("Filter_Proc")
While Not rstread.EOF
Open rstread.Function_name For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, TextLine1
isFound = InStr(1, TextLine1, "Exec", 1)
'If found go to the output process
If isFound > 0 Then GoTo found2
'If not found go to the end of the loop
GoTo Done_all2
Debug.Print "Searching Procedure - "; rstread!Function_name
varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Searching Procedure - " & rstread!Function_name)
I = InStr(TextLine1, "Exec")
'If not found go to end
If I = 0 Then GoTo Done_all2
raw_name = TextLine1
'If found, crop the data outside of the quotes
'raw_start = Mid(TextLine1, I + 1)
'I = InStr(raw_start, Chr(34))
'If I = 0 Then GoTo Done_all2
'raw_name = Mid(raw_start, 1, I - 1)
'Write found data to "Stored_proc" table
rstwrite!Source_Proc = rstread!Function_name
Debug.Print "Found Stored Procedure - "; raw_name
varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Found Stored Procedure - " & raw_name)
rstwrite!Function_name = raw_name
'Close recordset
Close #1
' Move to next path in the "File_Paths" table
'OpenForms = DoEvents
End Function