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File not found error

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Aug 22, 2001
I have an error in my script finding a file. The servlet error log says

2001-09-18 09:01:17 - path="" :jsp: init
2001-09-18 09:02:08 - path="" :LoginServlet: init
2001-09-18 09:03:45 - path="" :abcServlet: init
2001-09-18 09:03:52 - path="" :xyzServlet: init
2001-09-18 09:03:55 - path="" :Error: /usr/local/apache/sites/abc.spinweb.net/htdocs/xxx/courses\3M/Introduction/3m_intro.html (No such file or directory)

As you can see a "\" is loaded after "courses" where a "/" should be. the html is loaded exactly where it says with the exception of the backward slash. I can't find where it is being called from, but suspect it lays in the code below. Could anyone help me in this matter, or tell me where else I should look. Thanks.

private String getAUHtml (String path){
path = path.replace ('\\', '/');
String response;
response = &quot;<html>\n&quot; +
&quot;<head>\n&quot; +
&quot;</head>\n&quot; +
&quot;<body>\n&quot; +
&quot;<script language=\&quot;JavaScript\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;document.location = \&quot;/cmi/courses/&quot; + path + &quot;\&quot;\n&quot; +
//&quot;win = window.open ('','displayWindow','menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=300,height=300');\n&quot; +
//&quot;window.onload = \&quot;win.close();\&quot;&quot; +
&quot;</script>\n&quot; +
&quot;</body>\n&quot; +
return response;
Could you post more of the code, at least the part where path gets set. I am bit confused, I have never recieved this error. I would suggest, in the meantime, start putting printlns throughout the code to check the value of path. Until I see more that may be the best recommendation that I can make. Wushutwist
Here is somem more code. I never had this happen either so it has me pulling my hair out. Thanks...

try {
HttpSession session = request.getSession (true);
//can I load the session given the id??
//System.out.println (&quot;Lesson.valid session &quot; + session.getId() + &quot;: &quot; + request.isRequestedSessionIdValid());
response.setContentType (&quot;text/html&quot;);
JDBCHelper dbHelper = new JDBCHelper (_jdbcConnection);

//get student ID
Integer studentID = (Integer) session.getAttribute (&quot;studentID&quot;);
//get course ID
Integer courseID = (Integer) session.getAttribute (&quot;courseID&quot;);
//get lesson ID
String lessonID = request.getParameter (&quot;lessonID&quot;);
if (lessonID == null) {
lessonID = (String) session.getAttribute (&quot;lessonID&quot;);

if (studentID == null || courseID == null || lessonID == null) {
//reset session data by re-logging the user
sendProfileError (response.getOutputStream());

//store lesson ID in session
session.setAttribute (&quot;lessonID&quot;, lessonID);

String auID = request.getParameter (&quot;auID&quot;);
String mode = request.getParameter (&quot;mode&quot;);
if (mode != null) {
session.setAttribute (&quot;mode&quot;, mode);
else {
mode = (String) session.getAttribute (&quot;mode&quot;);
if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase (&quot;review&quot;)) {
normalMode = false;
else {
normalMode = true;

//synchronize access to course hash table
synchronized (_courseHash)
//make sure _courseHash is in tact
if (_courseHash == null) {
//try reloading it....
if (_courseHash == null) {
throw new IOException (&quot;Corrupt course data&quot;);
if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
//try reloading it....
if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
throw new IOException (&quot;Corrupt course data (course not found)&quot;);

if (auID == null) {
//show course menu
Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (courseID.toString());
sendAvailableAUs (hash, studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, response.getOutputStream(), response, dbHelper);

//if AU has not been attempted, initialize it
Integer auDataID = new Integer (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper));
//if (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper) == -1) {
if (auDataID.intValue() == -1) {
int newID = initializeAUData (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper);
dbHelper.addAUToPath (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID);
auDataID = new Integer (newID);

session.setAttribute (&quot;AUID&quot;, auID);
session.setAttribute (&quot;AUDataID&quot;, auDataID);

sendAU (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, auDataID.intValue(), normalMode, response.getOutputStream(), dbHelper);
//to do: detailed messages should be sent to the client depending on which
// exception was thrown. Don't have one try/catch....have one for each situation
catch (Exception e) {
getServletContext().log(&quot;Error: &quot; + e.getMessage());

public void destroy()
try {
if (_jdbcConnection != null) {
catch (Exception ignored) {}

private int initializeAUData (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
String sqlQuery = null;
ResultSet results = null;
try {
//get student's name
sqlQuery = &quot;SELECT Full_Name&quot; +
&quot; FROM &quot; + GlobalData.StudentTable +
&quot; WHERE Student_ID = &quot; + studentID;
results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
if (! results.next()) {
return -1;
String studentName = results.getString (1);

//the lock prevents CMIServlet from reading AU_ID before it's committed
//sqlQuery = &quot;LOCK TABLES &quot; + GlobalData.AUDataTable + &quot; WRITE;&quot;;
//System.out.println (sqlQuery);
//dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);

sqlQuery = &quot;Insert Into &quot; + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
&quot;(Course_ID, Lesson_ID, AU_ID, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, credit,&quot; +
&quot; lesson_status, entry, exit, score_raw, score_max, score_min, total_time,&quot; +
&quot; session_time, lesson_mode, suspend_data, launch_data, Evaluation_ID, Objective_ID)&quot; +
&quot; Values (&quot; + courseID + &quot;, '&quot; + lessonID + &quot;', '&quot; + auID + &quot;', &quot; + studentID + &quot;, '&quot; + studentName + &quot;',&quot; +
&quot; 'NA', 'credit',&quot; + &quot; 'not attempted', 'ab-initio', &quot; + &quot;'NA', &quot; + 0 + &quot;, &quot; + 0 + &quot;, &quot; + 0 +
&quot;, '00:00:00.0', '00:00:00.0', &quot; + &quot; 'normal'&quot; + &quot;, 'NA', &quot; + &quot;'NA', &quot; + 0 + &quot;, &quot; + 0 + &quot;);&quot;;
dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);

return getAUDataID (studentID, courseID, lessonID,auID, dbHelper);
//sqlQuery = &quot;UNLOCK TABLES;&quot;;
//System.out.println (sqlQuery);
//dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
catch (Exception e) {
getServletContext().log(&quot;Error: &quot; + e.getMessage());
return -1;

private int getAUDataID (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
throws SQLException
String sqlQuery = &quot;SELECT AUData_ID, lesson_status, lesson_mode, exit&quot; +
&quot; FROM &quot; + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
&quot; WHERE student_id = &quot; + studentID +
&quot; AND Course_ID = &quot; + courseID +
&quot; AND Lesson_ID = &quot; + &quot;'&quot; + lessonID + &quot;'&quot; +
&quot; AND AU_ID = '&quot; + auID + &quot;';&quot;;
ResultSet results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
if (results.next()) {
return results.getInt (&quot;AUData_ID&quot;);
return -1;

private void sendAU (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, int auDataID, boolean normalMode, ServletOutputStream htmlOut, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Hashtable hash = null;
synchronized (_courseHash)
hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));
if (hash == null) {
hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));
if (hash == null) {
throw new IOException (&quot;Corrupt course data (course not found)&quot;);
AU au = (AU) hash.get (auID);

try {
if (! normalMode) {
dbHelper.setReviewMode (auDataID);
String courseFileName = getFileName (String.valueOf (courseID), dbHelper);
File file = new File (courseFileName);
//create absolute path to file so we can resolve relative URLs
String newFileName = file.getParent() + &quot;\\&quot; + au.getLaunchParams();
BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (newFileName));
PrintWriter htmlWriter = new PrintWriter (htmlOut);
String temp;
htmlWriter.write (getAUHtml (au.getLaunchParams()));
catch (Exception e) {
getServletContext().log(&quot;Error: &quot; + e.getMessage());

private String getAUHtml (String path){
path = path.replace ('\\', '/');
String response;
response = &quot;<html>\n&quot; +
&quot;<head>\n&quot; +
&quot;</head>\n&quot; +
&quot;<body>\n&quot; +
&quot;<script language=\&quot;JavaScript\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;document.location = \&quot;/cmi/courses/&quot; + path + &quot;\&quot;\n&quot; +
//&quot;win = window.open ('','displayWindow','menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=300,height=300');\n&quot; +
//&quot;window.onload = \&quot;win.close();\&quot;&quot; +
&quot;</script>\n&quot; +
&quot;</body>\n&quot; +
return response;
When is the error occuring? Compile-time? Deploy-time? Runtime?

Is the HTML page getting displayed or is it failing before that point? If you are getting a page (even a blank one) post the resulting HTML.

Also, what is your Server setup? Apache forwarding to Tomcat? It is so frustrating to troubleshoot problems like these over a forum.

Last question (I promise), is this Servlet publically accessible? If so, what is the url? Wushutwist
The error is happening at runtime. When the link is selected, a blank page comes up. Below is the source code for the blank page. My server setup is Apache forwarding to Tomcat. If you e-mail me I'll give you the url for the site. My e-mail is mkain@tesco-inc.com

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=&quot;text/html; charset=windows-1252&quot;>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function hideAppletFrame (content) {
document.write (&quot;<html>\n&quot; +
&quot;<head>\n&quot; +
&quot;<title>CMI</title>\n&quot; +
&quot;</head>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frameset cols=\&quot;30%,*\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frame>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frame>\n&quot; +
&quot;</frameset>\n&quot; +
frames[1].document.write (content);
frames[0].location = &quot;cmi/LoginFrame.html&quot;;

function setStatus (message) {
window.status = message;
return true;

function restart() {
window.location = &quot;/cmi/CMI.html&quot;;

function loadCMIAPIFrame() {
var frame1Location;
if (navigator.appName.indexOf (&quot;Microsoft&quot;) != -1) {
//var temp = frames[1].document.location.href;
//frame1Location = temp.substring (temp.indexOf (&quot;/servlet&quot;));
frames[0].document.location = &quot;/cmi/CMIAPIFrame.html&quot;;
return true;
else {
frame1Location = frames[1].location;
document.write (&quot;<html>\n&quot; +
&quot;<head>\n&quot; +
document.write (&quot;<scr&quot; + &quot;ipt language=\&quot;JavaScript\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;function setStatus (message) {\n&quot; +
&quot; window.status = message;\n&quot; +
&quot; return true;\n&quot; +
document.write (&quot;function restart() {\n&quot; +
&quot; window.location = \&quot;/cmi/CMI.html\&quot;;\n&quot; +
&quot; return true;\n&quot; +
document.write (&quot;function loadCMIAPIFrame() {\n&quot; +
&quot; return false;\n&quot; +
&quot;}\n&quot; +
&quot;</scr&quot; + &quot;ipt>\n&quot;);
document.write (&quot;</head>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frameset cols=\&quot;0,*\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frame src=\&quot;/cmi/CMIAPIFrame.html\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;<frame src=\&quot;&quot; + frame1Location + &quot;\&quot;>\n&quot; +
&quot;</frameset>\n&quot; +
return true;
</HEAD><FRAMESET cols=20%,*><FRAME src=&quot;/cmi/LoginFrame.html&quot;><FRAME
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