hi all,
how can i build the string:
assuming the first 4 substrings are significant.
thanks for help, ira
assuming '-' is a trailer
try something like
echo your-string| sed -e 's/\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-.*/\/\1\/\2\/\3\/\4\/&/
sure awk, perl and all other can also do it.
function numdashes(str,len,n,o) {
#printf"%s return length = %d counter = %d string index = %d\n", str,len, n, o
for (; o <= length(str) ; o++) {
if (substr(str,o,1) ~ /\-/) {
#print substr(str,o,1)
len = o ; n++
if (n <= 3) {
#printf "Recalling at %d string to return = %s\n", n, substr(str,1,len)
return numdashes(str,len,n,o + 1)
} else {
#print "Final", substr(str,1,len)
return len
return len
ret = numdashes($0,0,0,0)
if (ret) {
orig = substr($0,1,ret)
tmp = substr($0,1,ret)
printf "%s%s%s%s\n","/",tmp, orig, substr($0,ret + 1,length($0) - ret + 1)
printf "Error\n"
the statement \([^-]*\)
select a string of any chars but '-' AND remember it!
so: \([^-]*\)- is a string without '-' followed by a '-'
the statement: \1
returns the FIRST remembered string
\2 the second and so on
finally: & return the whole matching line
vox clamantis in deserto.
function mash {
RESULT=`echo "${1}" | sed s/"\-"/"\\/"/1`
if test ${RECURSE} -gt 0
echo "${RESULT}"
thank you all
thank you jamisar
your solution is fast enough to solve my problem:
in some directories we have >70'000 files
our programmers have no ideas about sys-admin problems
it ist impossible to work in this dirs, a simply 'ls' takes minutes,
the format is: XXX-YYYY-MM-DD-......
where XXX=prefix, YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day the rest does not matter.
i will split the dirs in sub-dirs XXX/YYYY,MM/DD and move XXX-YYYY-MM-DD-...... to it
just using a shell-script.
[ x$1 = x -o ! -d $1 ] && echo enter a dir-name && exit 1
exec >/otherdir/logme 2>&1 # i need a status
cd $1 || exit 1
for file in `ls`
dir=`echo $file | sed -e 's/\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-.*/\1\/\2,\3\/\4/'`
[ -d $dir ] || mkdir -p $dir || exit 1
mv $file $dir || exit 1
echo $file moved to $dir
exit 0
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