I am trying to read in an object file, it seems to parse fine, but then it doesn't read in some data at all. My major concern is with the "case 'f'." I am trying hard to debug it and find out what I am doing wrong but to no avail. This is my file loading code
The problem I am facing is instead of it reading at f 3/1/3 2/1/2 1/1/1 it starts to read from the second face index. Anybody have any idea what I might be doing wrong ?
Thank you
I am trying to read in an object file, it seems to parse fine, but then it doesn't read in some data at all. My major concern is with the "case 'f'." I am trying hard to debug it and find out what I am doing wrong but to no avail. This is my file loading code
header file
#ifndef OBJ_H
#define OBJ_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
typedef struct {
float x, y, z;
typedef struct {
float s, t;
typedef struct {
float xn, yn, zn;
typedef struct {
unsigned int *vertexIndex;
unsigned int *textureIndex;
unsigned int *normalIndex;
typedef struct {
int countVertex;
int countTextures;
int countNormals;
int countFaces;
OBJ_VERTEX *vertex;
OBJ_TEXTURE *texture;
OBJ_NORMALS *normals;
OBJ_FACES faces;
void Read_File(OBJ_FILE_INFO *info, const char *filename);
void Destroy_File(OBJ_FILE_INFO &info);
Source file
#include "obj.h"
void Read_File(OBJ_FILE_INFO *info, const char *filename)
FILE *fp;
int ch; // character to read in one at a time
float x, y, z;
float s, t, u;
float xn, yn, zn;
int f1[3], f2[3], f3[3];
char buffer[100]; // our temporary buffer to dump in unnecessary information
int countVertex = 0;
int countTextures = 0;
int countNormals = 0;
int countFaces = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, m = 0;
// open text file for reading
fp = fopen(filename, "rt");
// check if file exists
if(!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:FILE NOT FOUND\n"); return; }
// read till you reach end of file
while(fgets(buffer, 100, fp) != NULL) {
if(buffer[0] == 'v' && buffer[1] == ' ')
if(buffer[0] == 'v' && buffer[1] == 't')
if(buffer[0] == 'v' && buffer[1] == 'n')
if(buffer[0] == 'f' && buffer[1] == ' ')
info->countVertex = countVertex;
info->countTextures = countTextures;
info->countNormals = countNormals;
info->countFaces = countFaces * 3;
printf("DUMP : %d %d", info->countFaces, info->countFaces / 3);
info->vertex = new OBJ_VERTEX [ countVertex];
info->texture = new OBJ_TEXTURE [countTextures];
info->normals = new OBJ_NORMALS [countNormals];
info->faces.vertexIndex = new unsigned int [countFaces * 3];
while(!feof(fp)) {
ch = fgetc(fp);
switch(ch) {
case '#' :
// read in tell next line
fgets(buffer, 100, fp);
printf("DUMP : %s", buffer);
case 'v' :
// read in vertex information
ch = fgetc(fp);
// this is a vertex
if(ch == ' ') {
fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
info->vertex[i].x = x;
info->vertex[i].y = y;
info->vertex[i].z = z;
// this is texture information
if(ch == 't') {
fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f", &s, &t, &u);
info->texture[j].s = s;
info->texture[j].t = t;
// this is normal information
if(ch == 'n') {
fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f", &xn, &yn, &zn);
//printf("Normals : %f %f %f\n", xn, yn, zn);
info->normals[k].xn = xn;
info->normals[k].yn = yn;
info->normals[k].zn = zn;
case 'f' :
ch = fgetc(fp);
if(ch == ' ') {
fscanf(fp, "%d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d",
&f1[0], &f1[1], &f1[2], &f2[0], &f2[1],
&f3[0], &f3[1], &f3[2]);
info->faces.vertexIndex[m] = f1[0];
info->faces.vertexIndex[m + 1] = f2[0];
info->faces.vertexIndex[m + 2] = f3[0];
m += 3;
default :
// read in all other unnecessary data and dumps it
fgets(buffer, 100, fp);
printf("DUMP m : %d\n", m);
This is the model text file
mtllib cube.mtl
# Object Object4
# Vertices 8
v -5.000000 -5.000000 5.000000
v 5.000000 -5.000000 5.000000
v -5.000000 -5.000000 -5.000000
v 5.000000 -5.000000 -5.000000
v -5.000000 5.000000 5.000000
v 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000
v -5.000000 5.000000 -5.000000
v 5.000000 5.000000 -5.000000
# Normals 8
vn -0.577350 -0.577350 -0.577350
vn 0.333333 -0.666667 -0.666667
vn -0.666667 0.333333 -0.666667
vn 0.666667 0.666667 -0.333333
vn -0.666667 -0.666667 0.333333
vn 0.666667 -0.333333 0.666667
vn -0.333333 0.666667 0.666667
vn 0.577350 0.577350 0.577350
# UV 1
vt 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
o Object4
# Face indices 12
f 3/1/3 2/1/2 1/1/1
f 3/1/3 4/1/4 2/1/2
f 2/1/2 5/1/5 1/1/1
f 2/1/2 6/1/6 5/1/5
f 5/1/5 3/1/3 1/1/1
f 5/1/5 7/1/7 3/1/3
f 7/1/7 6/1/6 8/1/8
f 7/1/7 5/1/5 6/1/6
f 4/1/4 7/1/7 8/1/8
f 4/1/4 3/1/3 7/1/7
f 6/1/6 4/1/4 8/1/8
f 6/1/6 2/1/2 4/1/4
The problem I am facing is instead of it reading at f 3/1/3 2/1/2 1/1/1 it starts to read from the second face index. Anybody have any idea what I might be doing wrong ?
Thank you