I have a script that builds a search string from the fields
in record. The Search string is made up of 3 parts depending
on the number of fields in the record. Some of the fields
in the record are files, which are themselves searched to
come up with a component of the overall search string. This
works fine and I am able to build my search string and ck that its good.
PROBLEM: For every record in my input file, I do a Search
and Replace on test.dat, using the Search String described above. My input file is about 3K records and
my test.dat is about 33K records. If I cut the inputfile down
to about 20 records everything works fine, but somewhere
between 20 and 3K it breaks, that is my test.dat doesn't
hold/get all the changes. I'm guessing its some type of
buffering/file-closing problem, but I don't know how to fix it.
Thanks for any and all help,
I am running on windows XP using the latest download of
$ awk -f NestedAwkSandR.awk inputfile.csv
in record. The Search string is made up of 3 parts depending
on the number of fields in the record. Some of the fields
in the record are files, which are themselves searched to
come up with a component of the overall search string. This
works fine and I am able to build my search string and ck that its good.
PROBLEM: For every record in my input file, I do a Search
and Replace on test.dat, using the Search String described above. My input file is about 3K records and
my test.dat is about 33K records. If I cut the inputfile down
to about 20 records everything works fine, but somewhere
between 20 and 3K it breaks, that is my test.dat doesn't
hold/get all the changes. I'm guessing its some type of
buffering/file-closing problem, but I don't know how to fix it.
Thanks for any and all help,
I am running on windows XP using the latest download of
$ awk -f NestedAwkSandR.awk inputfile.csv
[b]# I do a lot of processing of the record to come up with
# S3, S2, and S1 to get to this point, I left this
# part out for simplification
# Run the Search and Replace
srch = sprintf("'^C %s%s%s$' ", S3,S2,S1) # $ here is used for end-of-line
#printf("srch: %s\n", srch)
repl = sprintf("'%s' ", $1)
#printf("repl: %s\n", repl)
# Nested AWK call
# basically, i am trying to do 3,000 SandRs on the
# test.dat file, one each per input record.
[b]SrchReplCmd = ("awk -f SandR.awk -v srch="srch "-v repl="repl "test.dat > test.tmp")[/b]
#print SrchReplCmd
if ((SrchReplCmd | getline msg) > 0) {
printf("SrchReplCmd msg:%s\n", msg)
system("") # do I need to flush before this move?
[b]move = ("mv test.tmp test.dat")[/b]
SandR.awk, make the change on line below search string
# printf("SandR: srch:=%s repl:=%s\n", srch, repl)
$0 ~ srch{
print # print the current $0
getline # set $0 to next line
gotone = 1
/^A VALUE=/{
# printf("ORG: %s\n", $0)
$0 = sprintf("A VALUE=%s", repl)
# print
{print;gotone = 0;next}
# {gotone = 0;next}