I use a nifty little program called WinCloak, which only allows you to see folders for which you have NTFS permissions. The challenge I have, is that in our company, there is one huge share (R
where each department has its own folders.
I have set the NTFS permissions on each individual department's folder (hr, accounting, etc)(and they are set to NOT inherit permissions from the folder above because I only want the people that I explicitly define, to be able to access each unique department's folder), to include System/Domain Admins/Creator Owner/appropriate department group membership.
HOWEVER, on the overall SHARE that contains these folders, I have the SHARE permissions set to FULL on Domain Admins/Domain Users, with the default NTFS permissions when making a share/folder.
The challenge I have, is that users are able to create folders at the same level as their DEPARTMENT folder, which is what I DONT want. In essence, each user should only see ONE folder within R:, but they can see many because users have made them at the root level of R: .
SO, What permissions do I set, and WHERE do I set them?
I have set the NTFS permissions on each individual department's folder (hr, accounting, etc)(and they are set to NOT inherit permissions from the folder above because I only want the people that I explicitly define, to be able to access each unique department's folder), to include System/Domain Admins/Creator Owner/appropriate department group membership.
HOWEVER, on the overall SHARE that contains these folders, I have the SHARE permissions set to FULL on Domain Admins/Domain Users, with the default NTFS permissions when making a share/folder.
The challenge I have, is that users are able to create folders at the same level as their DEPARTMENT folder, which is what I DONT want. In essence, each user should only see ONE folder within R:, but they can see many because users have made them at the root level of R: .
SO, What permissions do I set, and WHERE do I set them?