A while back I received some help on a perl script that used srvinfo.exe to grab information from PC's. Well that script has now grown to do ALOT more. Including using the output frmo first part and parsing out certain data, then using this new output to see which servers do not have certain hotfixes. I am loving it and want to give Raklet a huge sloppy kiss.
Now I am having an issues trying to beter organize the outputs, as I am doing many different kinds of computers and do not want them ALL in one huge text file.
My problem is that when I try to backup a file about 2 folders from the perl script, it keeps telling me tat permission is denied.
here is the line:
print "Backing up old twssrvinfo.txt... \n";
rename ("\txtfiles\TWS\twssrvinfo.txt", "\txtfiles\TWS\bac\twssrvinfo.bac" || die "Cannot rename twssrvinfo.txt: $!";
Now I have made all the folders, on MY personal computer where I am admin, so that ANYONE and EVERYONE, and USERS, and THE KITCHEN SINK, all have complete and total access to this folder, no holds bar, the big cheese, like if they were superman.
Still I get this error. Is there another wa to write this? Do I have the syntax wrong? I have looked around again and could not find any satisfying information, and the PERL guru here at work is gone till the beginning of next year .
Thank you guys in advance for your help.
Now I am having an issues trying to beter organize the outputs, as I am doing many different kinds of computers and do not want them ALL in one huge text file.
My problem is that when I try to backup a file about 2 folders from the perl script, it keeps telling me tat permission is denied.
here is the line:
print "Backing up old twssrvinfo.txt... \n";
rename ("\txtfiles\TWS\twssrvinfo.txt", "\txtfiles\TWS\bac\twssrvinfo.bac" || die "Cannot rename twssrvinfo.txt: $!";
Now I have made all the folders, on MY personal computer where I am admin, so that ANYONE and EVERYONE, and USERS, and THE KITCHEN SINK, all have complete and total access to this folder, no holds bar, the big cheese, like if they were superman.
Still I get this error. Is there another wa to write this? Do I have the syntax wrong? I have looked around again and could not find any satisfying information, and the PERL guru here at work is gone till the beginning of next year .
Thank you guys in advance for your help.