I have just discovered something odd on a certain workstation that has pagemaker 6.5. When a file is created and saved with PM, it is stamped with the current date and time. When it is subsequently modified and resaved, it retains the original "modified date". This is contrary to what the modified date is supposed to represent and I know of no other program that acts this way. If the modified file is saved with another name it gets a current modified date but will retain that date no matter how many times it is resaved. Since I started to write this question, I discovered that the only other workstation that uses PM6.5 acts the same. Any other program on either machine will update the modified date attribute when necessary. The way I discovered this was when I restored a version of a PM file from a week ago that was mistakenly saved with some unwanted changes about three days ago. I renamed the unwanted file. When I restored, I noticed that both files showed a date that was over two years ago (identical) when the file was first created. The user updates this file every couple of months. There is nothing wrong with the system clock and there is no problem with anything on either computer other than this apparent glitch. Is this supposed to happen? Has anyone any ideas?