I've a syamatec client security which's installed on 2 exchange servers which's causing this 2 servers can't communicate and drop all the e-mail sent through the Web Access or Microsoft Outlook to the queued folder.
i do managed to send e-mails from each server to the other through the telnet and after searching we found in our company that there's file and directories need to be excluded from scanning using symantec client security on the exchange servers.
so the question is what's these file and directories which need to be excluded from scanning and how to exclude them??
i'll be greatful and thankful if i got the reply ASAS as my mail servers are with no antivirus installed .
i do managed to send e-mails from each server to the other through the telnet and after searching we found in our company that there's file and directories need to be excluded from scanning using symantec client security on the exchange servers.
so the question is what's these file and directories which need to be excluded from scanning and how to exclude them??
i'll be greatful and thankful if i got the reply ASAS as my mail servers are with no antivirus installed .