I am having a problem with a particular table on a remote server where certain fields are bing dropped and more recently the table records were blanked. The records are still there but contain no data. I have restored a backup and all is well again.
The MySQL table is being accessed from perl and the commands are in the following format although I have changed the var names for this post. Is this format open to attack from malicious code being inserted into it?
$VAR[$x] is created within the script and not user input.
My question is
The ISP have been doing some upgrades but they assure me that they have not changed the data.
Is every MySQL transaction usually logged somewhere?
The MySQL table is being accessed from perl and the commands are in the following format although I have changed the var names for this post. Is this format open to attack from malicious code being inserted into it?
$VAR[$x] is created within the script and not user input.
My question is
Is every MySQL transaction usually logged somewhere?