This sets the Description property for a field in Access using VB6.
Set prpfield = OutTD.Fields("Line")
Set prop = prpfield.CreateProperty("Description", dbText, "Application-Pipeline, EED field-line_id")
prpfield.Properties.Append prop
What would the equivalent be using VB.Net? Here I am setting Type, Name.
Col.Name = "ID" 'Field Attribute "Name"
Col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger 'Field "DataType"
Set prpfield = OutTD.Fields("Line")
Set prop = prpfield.CreateProperty("Description", dbText, "Application-Pipeline, EED field-line_id")
prpfield.Properties.Append prop
What would the equivalent be using VB.Net? Here I am setting Type, Name.
Col.Name = "ID" 'Field Attribute "Name"
Col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger 'Field "DataType"