I have written a piece of software, in Delphi 4, that monitors a PCs serial ports for data that it fed in constantly from a piece of external hardware. It sits in the system tray and has no problem running on 95,98 and 2000.
However on XP it runs for a short while then reboots the PC!
It seems to see the serial connection as a serial mouse! How do I stop this happening?
I'm completely unfamiliar with XP so the answer may be obvious, but any ideas would be helpful.
Thanks for looking,
I have written a piece of software, in Delphi 4, that monitors a PCs serial ports for data that it fed in constantly from a piece of external hardware. It sits in the system tray and has no problem running on 95,98 and 2000.
However on XP it runs for a short while then reboots the PC!
It seems to see the serial connection as a serial mouse! How do I stop this happening?
I'm completely unfamiliar with XP so the answer may be obvious, but any ideas would be helpful.
Thanks for looking,