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Feedback, please! Dave, Old, anyone :-) 2

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Jan 8, 2001
Hello, I'm working on the new version of artemysia and I'd like to have your feedback about the vocal navigation command. Easy to use and understand or not? and feedback on the animation inside the frame and the two "a" letters. Thanks a lot everyone :)
and a special hello to Dave, Old (oui, je travaille tjrs sur MAC ;-P) and Sam

Après une aussi longue absence... Curieux de se faire associer à Anyone!
Mais bon je te pardonne!

Je ne sais trop quoi te dire! Et je ne comprends pas bien tes questions! Oui, j'entends les commandes vocales mais je ne vois ni de touche E, ni de touche F.
L'animation est bien, mais je mettrais tout ça dans une table et j'éliminerais le scrollbar de droite. Ce serait plus "slick"!

Il se fait tard ici à Montréal, et je travaille tôt demain matin... Je ne traînerai donc pas très longtemps ce soir!
Si tu précises un peu tes questions, il me fera plaisir de te répondre, mais peut-être que ce ne sera qu'en soirée demain.

:-X bonjour Patricia :-X ;-)

Received your email last week, good to hear from you again. I'm still on holiday but I PROMISE to get that CD pack to you when I get back. ;-)

I'll give you my point of view for the English vocals. The first couple of words, "to-enter", come in quite fast (for me anyway) and maybe need slowed, the rest was great, no problems. And despite the first couple of words sounding a bit distorted it was easy to know what you had to do. Very easy to use.

Also noticed that the voice command repeats and repeats if you move your mouse out-and-back, with overlapping results. Maybe you know about that already.

As for the French voice, very sexy, but jibberish to me (-:

The animations inside the frames are very nice, as always. Nice smoky-coloured-cloud effect.

You're trademark type for the a's is great, but if I didn't know that it spelled "artemysia", I'd probably think it said "artemysip". Am I just being thick? X-)

All-in-all really nice, and can't wait to see the rest.

Take care

ps: say hi to your supermultinational workforce for me!


e-key as in on your keyboard, takes you to an english page, as 'f' takes you to french page.

Maybe the instruction needs elaboration then.
Agree with old on the scrollbars too, never noticed them.


Hello my favorites tek tips guys :)

Thanks for answering so fast, you are des "amours"
Ok, Old, Dave answered the questions about the "keys", the instructions do refer to the keyboard keys.... But I guess not clear enough then :-( Should I add "the E key on your key board" and the "touche F sur votre clavier"?
hm hm
Now, for the scrollbars, I'm just flabbergasted, where are the scroll bars?? I can not see any scroll bars!!
Now, I'm struck with scrollbar anxiety! please help!
Old, last thing, I did not mean to associate you with "anyone" voyons tsst ;-)
Dave, thanks a lot for your feedback too. I'll redo the voice for the english part. Now, for the overlapping voice effect, you are right, it's quite annoying. Any idea of how I could get rid of that and yet still have the possibility to have the instructions replaying on mouse over?
and Happy new year!
"ps: say hi to your supermultinational workforce for me!"

I will! LOL now we have a French man joining us in february. By the way, thanks for the :-X :~/

Big hug to both of you Dave and Old (old, I do not answer en français so that everyone can understand and also so that the ozer monsieur Dave does not reprimand me B-)

The ozer Dave has "d'autres chats à fouetter"!
And we have been using a bit of French on & off with Sharky, in the last months without reprimands. Anyways, j'aurais quelques suggestions "de où il pourrait se les mettre ses réprimandes", s'il s'avisait de m'en faire!

Yes, confusion, on my part at least, as to E and F referring to those keyboard keys. Maybe because your F first sounded to me as an S and take note that artemysia
as an E and S I was desperately trying to click on to get pass that first screen.
Peut-être serait-il mieux d'ajouter qu'il s'agit du keyboard!

Quant au scrollbar de droite, tu ne l'as peut-être pas, si tu utilises NS sur ton Mac (belle machine!), mais crois-moi il est bien là sur PC avec IE!

La façon la plus simple de s'en débarasser c'est simplement d'ajouter scroll=no au <body> tag. Par contre, ça dé-centre parfois le film car NS ne tient pas compte de cet espace réservé au scroolbar. J'utilise donc depuis quelques mois(semble-t-il sans bavures jusqu'à maintenant) le html suivant:
<BODY bgcolor=&quot;#999999&quot; MARGINHEIGHT=&quot;0&quot; MARGINWIDTH=&quot;0&quot; TOPMARGIN=&quot;0&quot; LEFTMARGIN=&quot;10&quot; RIGHTMARGIN=&quot;0&quot; BOTTOMMARGIN=&quot;0&quot; SCROLL=&quot;NO&quot;>
<!-- URL's used in the movie-->
<!-- text used in the movie-->
<LAYER NAME=&quot;TEST&quot; LEFT=&quot;25&quot; TOP=&quot;10&quot;> <!-- CENTERS FOR NS - NO EFFECT ON IE -->
<table width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot;>
  <tr bgcolor=&quot;#999999&quot;> 
    <td align=&quot;center&quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot;><OBJECT classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot;
   	 codebase=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0&quot;[/URL]
	 WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=100>
	 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=&quot;date.swf&quot;> <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false> <PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=true> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#0033CC> <EMBED src=&quot;date.swf&quot; quality=high menu=false loop=true bgcolor=#0033CC  WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=100 TYPE=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; PLUGINSPAGE=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&quot;></EMBED>[/URL]

the scrollbars on the right-hand-side Patricia, a simple scroll=&quot;no&quot; within your body tags will sort it.

as for the sound, I assume you have put the sound in the 'over' state of a big button. If so then open up the button and select the 'over' frame containing the sound, right-click and select 'panel-sound'. Then select 'start' from the Sync options (you've probably got it set to 'event').

( :-X )

Ok! Just tested the keyboard keys... And it takes like an eternity (on my slow connection!) to load a simple html page! If I hadn't checked my connection icon to see if it was loading something or not, I might have been led to believe nothing's was happenin'. Maybe you should have something indicating that a key press was made, when it has, and that something is about to occur!

Bonne nuit,
ooooops! I thought you guys had forgotten me, because somehow I never got notified of your posts!
So now that I see I have not been forgotten, I feel much better :)

I'm going to see if I understand everything.... lol

Dave, Thanks so much! Thane did not know about the &quot;right-click and select 'panel-sound'. Then select 'start' from the Sync options&quot; and he just applied it and it works! :) Thanks! (Thane just told me to tell you to go look at the title bar... :) )
One problem solved.
Regarding the scroll bars, this is so weird... We do not see any scroll bars on any of our computers (even on the PC's!) et non Monsieur Old we are not on Netscape... But, we put the scroll=no anyway. Merci. Would you be gentil and check if you dont see the bars anymore? (but now you can not see the whole image no?)
Now, Old, regarding the keyboard keys, I have one question. I'm not sure why it took so long to load the html pages, but I noticed that we need to click on the image THEN press the key for it to work. This is using &quot;on mouse event handler&quot;. Yesterday we had a version that did not need to be clicked, using a on clip event handler. This worked great on a MAC but crashed on our PCs. Any idea on how to avoid the clicking before pressing the E and F keys for it to work? (on a mouse event handler) and not take an eternity to download (I think that's why it took so long for you to download ... the clicking thing)
You two are the best! :->

&quot;Anyways, j'aurais quelques suggestions &quot;de où il pourrait se les mettre ses réprimandes&quot;, s'il s'avisait de m'en faire!&quot; LOL

Btw, thanks for the F versus S problem....

I'm wondering if I should not give up on that vocal command idea and go back to a more traditional navigation hm hm :-(

Anyway, sweet dreams to you Old and a wonderful morning to you Dave!
LOL very nice Thane, is it staying like that?

Scrollbars have gone in IE6 and Netscape 4.27.

Scrollbar is gone on both NS4.76 and IE5.5
But movies are not exactly centered in both browsers.
Looks like you're using a table, but have not compensated for the scrollbar area, as I did in my above html template.
Once I've first clicked on the area and press a key, I now get almost instantly to the html pages... Back with scrollbars! Évidemment! Puisque que vous ne les avez pas enlevés sur ces pages.
There was a thread a few weeks or months ago about this necessity to first click the movie before the keyboard would be sort of &quot;enabled&quot; for input. Think I had found a work around. Will try to find that thread, but it's not easy with tek-tips' &quot;marvelous&quot; search engine. Think Wangbar was envolved in that thread, maybe he remembers it!

Catch you later after my day job!

&quot;&quot;&quot;Think I had found a work around. Will try to find that thread, but it's not easy with tek-tips' &quot;marvelous&quot; search engine. Think Wangbar was envolved in that thread, maybe he remembers it!&quot;&quot;&quot;
That would be great monsieur Old! Merci beaucoup!
Regarding the scroll bars thing, I'm wondering if that could be a bug with the new canadian version of IE and Nts and not the american versions of them? Could that be possible? I'm saying this because, on none of the computers here, do we have scroll bars! (even on the versions without the scroll=no) I'm really perplexed. Also if we leave the scroll=no or your code in the pages, will people with a smaller monitor be able to see the whole image? Btw, how big is your monitor? and yours Dave?
C'est quoi ton day job, Old?

Dave, to answer your question, hm hm no, it will not stay like that forever and ever... you know this new generation... they don't stay grateful very long LOL

Thanks again to both of you

here is a site that I think you will find interesting if you guys don't know it yet.

It has some great scripting, and all the files are downloadable fla's. (here is the direct link to them)

Regarding my own intro, we still cant make the keyboard thing work without first clicking on the image, so I'm looking for an alternate solution

A bientot!

Pat... Voir ton autre thread, pour une réponse! Hehehe!

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