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FC4700 serial issue and questions. 1

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Technical User
Jan 10, 2005
Hello All,

I just aquired an used FC4700 LongBow running vxworks and NT kernel. I am having a little problem getting to break the sequence in order to reach fcli>

I have searched the forums and I have tried the following


even connected monitor keyboard and mouse and still. ON the monitor after it boots it displays the blue screen NT V4 SP5

and via serial connection I see the following.

VxWorks System Boot

Copyright 1984-1999 Wind River Systems, Inc.

Copyright 1999-2000 EMC Corporation.
CPU: Carmel
Version: 5.3.1
BSP version: 1.1 /2
Creation date: Aug 17 2001, 16:36:02
Filesvr Prom: 03.06.10

StartTime: 3/23/2007 21:31:48 DiagName: PROM Kernel
DiagRev: Bios:4.06 v01.24 PROM:03.06.10
SaSerialNo: A10010800303
Storage Type K10
Sizing PCI Bus....

Bypass Diagnostics ([N],Y)? [0]

Starting Power-On Diagnostics

Testing Blade Fault LED... Done

Testing disk LEDs on enclosure 0... Passed
Testing Device At BUS:5 DEV:1
Starting I82559 Ethernet diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting Collision Test ... Passed
Starting Internal Loopback ... Passed
Starting External Loopback ..\ Passed
Testing Device At BUS:2 DEV2
Starting TachLite Fibre diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting N Port Internal Loopback test ...Passed
Testing Device At BUS:2 DEV6
Starting TachLite Fibre diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting N Port Internal Loopback test ...Passed
Testing Device At BUS:4 DEV2
Starting TachLite Fibre diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting N Port Internal Loopback test ...Passed
Testing Device At BUS:4 DEV3
Starting TachLite Fibre diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting N Port Internal Loopback test ...Passed
Testing Device At BUS:4 DEV6
Starting TachLite Fibre diags.
Starting Register Tests ... Passed
Starting N Port Internal Loopback test ...Passed

EndTime: 3/23/2007 21:32:33 DiagName: PROM Kernel

Starting PROM_Kernel update [0]

Starting loop initialization
Loop is initialized.....

Current Revision of PROM Kernel: 03.06.10
Revision of PROM Kernel on disk 0: 03.06.10
Revision of PROM Kernel on disk 1: 03.06.10
Revision of PROM Kernel on disk 2: 03.06.10

Cancelled update

Starting BIOS update [0]

Turned off Autoflash.....

Current Revision of BIOS: REV:01.24
Revision of BIOS on disk 0: REV:01.24
Revision of BIOS on disk 1: REV:01.24
Revision of BIOS on disk 2: REV:01.24

Cancelled update

AutoBoot Enabled! ByPass Auto Booting ([N],Y)? [0]


I basically need to reconfigure the IP, password via serial before I plug it onto the Brocade switch.

I dont know if @$@$ or {}{} is the right way for this one since I am used to fc5600.

Any help or comments very much appreciated.


PS. Would be nice to now if this has access logix installed or anything else just by looking at the rev. #.

Thanks once more..
Once you have a null modem cable attached to SP and once Windows NT Embedded portion boots, you can create direct connection from your PC to Clariion (new network conneciton -> advanced connection -> direct connection to another PC ... exact steps are different for different versions of Windows). The key when you create a direct connection via null-modem cable is 115200 speed. Windows NT Embedded runs RAS service, and so when you establish this serial connection, you will get an IP address (you can check which one for sure by typing ipconfig /all at the command line). After that you should be able to type in your browser and change IP addresses, etc. Post back any results, and if you run into problems, I may have more ideas. I am just a regular Clariion user who is 'struggling' with them like everybody else.
Forgot one important thing, the user account for serial connection should be clariion/clariion! (if clariion! does not work, try just clariion).
I will try that for sure, Just having a hard time finding a null modem cable, every one I have does not say null or it jus does not work.. got to hit the store in the morning and post back.

Much appreciated.


I tried many of the ones I had here and I even went as far as going to the store and bought a new one just in case.

I tried all the differnt speeds and it just did not responded.

any ideas?

Much appreciated...


BY the way, I do see the on the boot up menu on the monitor about 4 different boot opentions and the default one is the RAS one.


P.S. It just does not make any sense unless they have configured it to use the management port via engineering mode which is what I am going to try next.

Let me know what other options I have please.

Thnak you.

More info on this,

I have scanned my network and I did noticed that the management port has an ip of and I saw netbios packets on 137.

I grabbed the laptop plugged into the switch and assiged myself

I tried to telnet to this ip, no good
I tried to use the web browser to the link you have me using that ip - No Good

I even tried to ping this ip and no good.

I mean if it has an ip, wy wouldn't it reply that makes no sense what so ever.



I figured since I had a spare processor card, I took out both it had and only plugged in the new one. To my surprise, I was able to authenticate and establish a serial connection at 115K and I was also able to ping . How ever the serial connection dropped right when I was getting to go to and I was not able to see anything.

I tried to connect via serial gain but I get error 777 modem on the other side is out of order.

I rebooted the FC4700 and the laptop and I a still unable to make a connection.

Wao, this is really starting to get to me.

Any help is appreciated.

OK, progress report.

I was able to break the boot process. All you need to do is type Y really quick when it asks you if you want to bybass autoboot.

So now I am in the K10> prompt.

I can provide some more info.

K10 > @

boot device : fei
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : commtg3
file name : /pdd/tlbu/pump/vxWorks
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h) :
user (u) : system
flags (f) : 0x4

Attaching network interface fei0... done.
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
Loading file: /pdd/tlbu/pump/vxWorks.build_ap
Loading... via rsh...

and it stays there in rsh....


boot device: fd=drive,fdType file name: /fd0/vxWorks
boot device: ata=ctrl,drive file name: /ata0/vxWorks
Boot flags:
0x01 - don't be system controller 0x02 - load local system symbols
0x04 - don't autoboot 0x08 - quick autoboot
0x20 - disable login security 0x40 - use dhcp to get boot params
0x40 - use bootp to get boot params 0x80 - use tftp to get boot image
0x100 - use proxy arp
Available Boot Devices: fei ultra eex elt ene esmc sl fd ata


K10 > p

boot device : fei
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : commtg3
file name : /pdd/tlbu/pump/vxWorks
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h) :
user (u) : system
flags (f) : 0x20


any help appreciated.. Not sure if these ip parameters are for the management port so I will not touch them until someone tell me that thats what it is.

I am still not able to connect via serial.

The cable should be null-modem cable. 115200 is required. Once connection is established, your desktop should have assigned to it (check through ipconfig /all). in the browser while serial connection is going shoud pring Navisphere GUI (if it is installed on the SP), if not, then in order to manage this FC4700, you would need to have Navisphere UI installed on your desktop and then point it to
Also, try

I totally agree with you. The problem is that it is not connecting. I have tried with 3 machines using 2 null modem cables I had and I even went to the store to pick up a third one just in case. I know the null modem cable works because I can see the boot screen.

I have ran tcpdump and ethereal and I can see that the SP ARPS on and the other on .163 and 162 is looking for 191.

I scanned with nmap to see what the ip had open and it had nothing. It detected the ip but no ports available.

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2007-03-26 00:38 EDT
Initiating ARP Ping Scan against [1 port] at 00:38
The ARP Ping Scan took 0.01s to scan 1 total hosts.
DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 13.00s.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against [1680 ports] at 00:38
The SYN Stealth Scan took 35.28s to scan 1680 total ports.
Host appears to be up ... good.
All 1680 scanned ports on are filtered
MAC Address: 08:00:1B:41:1C:1F (Data General)

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 48.877 seconds
Raw packets sent: 3361 (147.882KB) | Rcvd: 1 (42B)


I also want to say that I did this while both SP were on and I also did it putting one at a time on slot A or the lower slot. Same results on both. None of them, neither together nor separate responded to pings.

I Also took all 10 drives out and booted it, It went into the RAS NT mode and I was not able to connect via serial nor ping any of the SP in any combination not 162 nor 163.

I mean the darn thing is booting into NT RAS, I just dont understand why it does not want to connect in any way shape or form. Just very strange.

Someone please enlighten me.....

OK, some progress finally.

I guess I was outside the subnet and that why I could not ping it. The SP is and I gave the work station .161 and now I can ping .162 so that a start. I performed an NMAP on 162 with the same results, no ports opened. So, I am going to try and install navi ui and see if it at least has an agent . If not I will install everything navi agent, manager and ui and We will see if anything happens. Hopefully it will.

I will update later on.

Not having very much Luck with this. anyone has any ideas?

I pulled the hard drive out of one of the units, the laptop drive on the SP and here is some of the contents so I know this thing has to work somehow. I can ping the SP but thats about it. I checked some of the files and it seems this unit was fully configured.
IS there a way to reset this thing? I cannot connect via serial and I cannot connect via the ip that was advertised on boot via ARP.

Any suggestions?


G:\>cd EMC

Volume in drive G has no label.
Volume Serial Number is E02A-042D

Directory of G:\EMC

03/24/2007 06:54 PM <DIR> .
03/24/2007 06:54 PM <DIR> ..
03/24/2007 06:55 PM <DIR> AnalyzerProvider
03/24/2007 06:55 PM <DIR> AnalyzerUI
03/24/2007 06:55 PM <DIR> Base
03/24/2007 06:54 PM <DIR> CLIProvider
03/24/2007 06:53 PM <DIR> ManagementServer
03/24/2007 06:52 PM <DIR> ManagementUI
03/24/2007 06:51 PM <DIR> Navisphere
08/29/2005 12:27 PM <DIR> Performance Files
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 5,053,739,008 bytes free

G:\EMC>cd Navisphere

Volume in drive G has no label.
Volume Serial Number is E02A-042D

Directory of G:\EMC\Navisphere

03/24/2007 06:51 PM <DIR> .
03/24/2007 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
05/06/2003 03:31 PM <DIR>
03/24/2007 06:55 PM <DIR>
03/24/2007 06:55 PM <DIR> common
0 File(s) 0 bytes
5 Dir(s) 5,053,739,008 bytes free


agent config

# Navisphere Agent Configuration File
# On a K10 SP system, the only entries that you need are the privileged user list
# and a poll indicator. Edit the privileged user list using the template below,
# where a user on each SP and a host system is recognized as having management
# privileges for the whole array

# user SPAUser@SPASystemName
# user SPBUser@SPBSystemName
# user HostUser@HostSystemName

poll 60


you mentioned that you might have other ideas to get this thing going. I would like to try what ever you had in mind since serial is just not going to work.


Sorry I took so long to reply. The boot you see is from the embedded prom. My problem I just come to realize is that I do not have flare installed on any of the drives. After getting flare copied it should all work out.


I would like to make some clarifications to this post as many of you know me by now, I always paste my problems but I also post very specific solutions to my problems once I do find them. I am a very stuburn when it comes to problems and it might take me time but I do get them resolved. Its just a matter of time.

First off I would like to thank a few people.

IOWADBA, you were right all along, but you will understand this better after I write this up. I promise. Thank you.

I also want to thank SQUIDDOG, Many praises, Many thanks. I hope one day you see this post because in reality many thanks for going the extra mile.

Now- the important stuff.

In my attempt to get this box working, I have endured nightmares and frustrations. All because the knowledge I had was very basic as I had never dealt with an fc4700.

I mostly deal with 5600 and lower class clariion units. Now the concept that many people here have about the FC4700 is correct in many ways but also incorrect in others and I will explain why.

It is very true that you indeed need flare code on the drives to be able to run the machine. It is not true that you can seed one drive and replicate to others to get the flare working. Reason is flare is installed as part of a raid group called PSM and it goes into multiple drives. Depending on what type of PSM was created it could take from 3 drives to many many more drives.

Now here comes the ugly part.

You do not need any flare code on any drives from the array to get it working. Its true you need it on them for full operation but, you could buy used drives with no flare what so ever on them and still manage to get it working and here is how.

The most important peace of the puzzle it to have a good working image on the laptop hard drive that its inside of the SP unit. If you have a good one, everything will work out just fine. The flare code actually resides on that laptop hard drive and when go to like my buddy IO was stating, it will give you the option to create a PSM. Once you select the raid type and the drives that go with that type of raid, thats when the flare code gets installed into the fibre drives.

Trust me, this is the way it works, look at the date that this post started and look at this one. I know, dont tell me...

So, back to my issue.

My problem was that the image on my SP hard drive was corrupted. Even though it would boot to NT4 ... that did not meant that it was going to work. Most of the files that made the unit work besides the NT OS were corrupted. In other words it was never going to work.

So my advise, before you purchase a used unit make sure you can plug the serial cable and make sure you can get to the setup page. Or, you can use ethereal or some sort of packet capture program and boot the device. You will see the ip of it in one of those packets. Then assign yourself an ip on that range and try to ping the SP. If you can try to go to the setup page. If you can, your good to go. Pack the baby up and take it with you. If you cannot do that, turn the unit off create a tripple fault by pulling 3 or 4 drives out. boot it, wait 10 minutes at a minimum then place the drives back and try again. if you still cannot, dont buy it. Chances are the image is corrupted.

Anyhow, I hope that my horrible experience with this unit, will enlighten someone down the road and prevent others from making the mistakes I did.

By the way, i forgot to mention that all that boot process and the commands performed under K10 are part of an embedded vxworks system that is used for IP4700. You never should play with those settings. Thats only used if you plan to convert your FC4700 into an IP4700.

Later all..

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